Promoting the Psychological Health of Women With SCI: A Virtual World Intervention

Conditions:Hospital, Orthopedic
Therapuetic Areas:Orthopedics / Podiatry, Other
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:August 1, 2018
End Date:September 30, 2021
Contact:Rachel L Markley, MPH

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The purpose of this project is to test the efficacy of an internet-based psychological health
enhancement program for women with spinal cord injury. The intervention will occur in Second
Life (SL), which is an online virtual word simulator with a group of women with spinal cord

Inclusion Criteria:

- have a traumatic spinal cord injury

- be at least one year post injury

- be able to speak and read English (to participate in the group intervention and
complete study questionnaires in English).

- have access to a phone, an email account, and a computer and high-speed Internet
connection that meets minimum SL computing requirements.

Exclusion Criteria:

- have a cognitive impairment that significantly limits their ability to give informed
consent, participate in the intervention, or complete study assessments as determined
by an inability to correctly answer questions on a comprehension of consent

- have a significant visual or hearing impairment that would prohibit their ability to
participate in the virtual intervention

- report active suicidality

- live in institutions. Individuals living in community-based group and adult foster
homes will be invited to participate.
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Houston, Texas 77030
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Phone: 713-797-7570
Houston, TX
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