Mountain View, California 94040
(650) 988-8338

At El Camino Hospital, we are fortunate to have an outstanding team of medical experts who can provide patients with the latest in cancer care, from Cyberknife to the most advanced da Vinci robotic surgery. In addition to providing expert care, the team places special emphasis on communication between all the specialties and coordinating services -- two aspects of care that we believe can have a positive impact on the patient experience and outcomes.
First, we tackle cancer head on, aggressively targeting tumors with a strong, multi-disciplinary care plan. Specialists work together to combine the most effective therapies, including leading-edge innovations such as:
• minimally invasive robotic surgery
• customized chemotherapy
• brachytherapy radiation
• CyberKnife technology
Then, we add a personal touch to help patients and their families cope with challenges of both the disease, and the treatment.
Updated: 9/20/2012