Clinical Trials News

An Inuit Study Could Change Omega 3’s Place in Your Diet
A new look at the Inuit people provides an intriguing twist when it comes to our preconceived notions of omega-3 fatty acids. Since the 1970’s, omega-3 fatty acid has come highly recommended …

Heart Healthy Tips for Men’s Health Month
The leading health risk for men in the U.S. is cardiovascular disease. It kills more men each year than any other disease. June is Men’s Health Month and since lifestyle habits and …

American Heart Month [INFOGRAPHIC]
It is our pleasure to share with you this really great infographic that was created in honor of American Heart Month this year. Please be sure to take a look if you …

The Best Exercises for Improving Your Heart Health
Hello everyone! We are pleased to announce that February is American Heart Month. This is such an important awareness event, because heart disease is currently the leading cause of death in the …

5 Simple Ways to Improve Your Heart Health
It’s been a busy start to the year for cardiologists and other cardiovascular specialists. New guidelines were released for high cholesterol and high blood pressure (hypertension) within a month of one another …

Are You Going Red for Heart Health this February?
February happens to be American Heart Month, an important event which helps raise awareness of the number one killer in the US– heart disease. Communities and organizations will be working together throughout …

Cardiovascular Disease Negatively Impacts Cognitive Function
People living with cardiovascular disease (CVD) and type 2 diabetes also live with an elevated risk of cognitive deterioration, according to the results of a new clinical study from Wake Forest Baptist …