New Clinical Trials for Back Pain
Due to the large number of sick days that are attributed to problems with back pain, it is a costly condition for many businesses. Longer hours, more desk jobs and increased stress levels at work are all suspected contributors to back pain related ailments. For this reason there is a need for ongoing clinical research for back pain.
If you suffer from back pain and perhaps have even been diagnosed with one of the many forms of back pain, you may qualify for a current back pain clinical trial. Please review the list of current trials.
(Looking for more information on back pain? You may be interested in these related pages: Back Pain Treatments)
What Causes Back Pain?
Back pain refers to the pain and discomfort a person feels in one of the areas of their back. This includes the neck, upper back, lower back, and tailbone. Since the back is a sophisticated system of muscle, bone and tendons, back pain can sometimes be difficult to target and treat. Back pain ranges from short bouts of sharp pain to dull chronic pain that can last for years. It is said to affect nine out of 10 adults at some point in their life. Common forms of back pain include dorsalgia, lumbago, spinal disc herniation, and degenerative disc disease.
Back Pain Treatments
The main goal of treating back pain is to reduce the amount of pain that the patient suffers. Fortunately this can usually be achieved through manual methods or medication. Manual methods include placing hot and cold compressions on the affected area. Pressure point massage has also proven to be effective. Physical therapy, including supervised exercises that stretch and strengthen the muscles that support the spine, is also commonly used in back pain treatment. Medications used can include muscle relaxants and anti-inflammatory drugs. Only about 1% of those suffering from back pain require surgery.
We've found
9 Back Pain
clinical trials
Musculoskeletal, Orthopedics / Podiatry Clinical Trial
PNE Effectiveness Cluster Trial
Status: Enrolling
Updated: 12/31/1969
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Chronic Low Back Pain Clinical Trial
Prospective, Randomized, Multi-center Study Intraosseous Basivertebral Nerve Ablation for Treatment of CLBP
Status: Enrolling
Updated: 12/31/1969
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Musculoskeletal, Pharmacology / Toxicology, Other Clinical Trial
Tolperisone in Acute Muscle Spasm of the Back
Status: Enrolling,
Updated: 12/31/1969
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Click here to add this to my saved trials
Musculoskeletal, Orthopedics / Podiatry Clinical Trial
PNE Effectiveness Cluster Trial
Status: Enrolling
Updated: 12/31/1969
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Back Pain Lower Back Chronic Clinical Trial
Examining Racial and SocioEconomic Disparities (ERASED) in Chronic Low Back Pain Study
Status: Enrolling,
Updated: 3/20/2018
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Musculoskeletal, Orthopedics / Podiatry Clinical Trial
PNE Effectiveness Cluster Trial
Status: Enrolling
Updated: 12/31/1969
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Musculoskeletal, Orthopedics / Podiatry Clinical Trial
PNE Effectiveness Cluster Trial
Status: Enrolling
Updated: 12/31/1969
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Musculoskeletal, Orthopedics / Podiatry Clinical Trial
PNE Effectiveness Cluster Trial
Status: Enrolling
Updated: 12/31/1969
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Updated: 12/31/1969

Updated: 12/31/1969

Updated: 12/31/1969

Updated: 12/31/1969

Updated: 3/20/2018

Updated: 12/31/1969

Updated: 12/31/1969

Updated: 12/31/1969