New Clinical Trials for Menses Disorders
While the causes are generally understood there is ongoing menses disorders clinical research needed to determine ways to better manage and treat these disorders. For women trying to get pregnant having a menses disorder can often interfere with this process.
It is difficult for her to tell when she is most likely to get pregnant if she doesn’t always know when she will ovulate. If you have been diagnosed with one and would like to participate in a menses disorder clinical trial, please review the list of current trials.
What are Menses Disorders?
Menses disorders are anything that causes a woman to have an irregular menstrual cycle. This can include periods at irregular times, periods with irregular bleeding or no periods at all. There are many types of menses disorders. Anovulation is the absence of ovulation that leads to irregular periods, periods to stop altogether or sometimes excessive bleeding. Polymenorrhea is when a cycle lasts 21 days or less. Oligomenorrhea is infrequent and light flow periods with 35 days in between. The causes of menses disorders are usually blood clots, problems with the lining of the uterus or problems with the hormones that regulate the menses cycle.
Menses Disorders Treatments
There are several menses disorder treatments available depending on what the problem is. A regular exercise regimen can help relieve menstrual pain and cramps in some cases. It is often recommended to reduce stimulants that can make cramps worse. This includes caffeine, alcohol and salt.
Treating menses disorders can include over the counter pain relievers like ibuprofen. Birth control pills, patches and vaginal rings are sometimes used to help regulate the hormones, and thus the menses cycle, to get a woman back on a regular schedule. The Mirena IUD has been shown to help treat menses disorders that involve heavy bleeding.
We've found
1 Menses Disorders
clinical trials
Immunology / Infectious Diseases, Reproductive Clinical Trial
Validity of Patient-Collected Wet Mounts
Status: Enrolling
Updated: 4/7/2016
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Updated: 4/7/2016