The Benefits of Participating in a Clinical Trial
There are few things in life that can give terminally ill patients and irreversibly disabled persons a personal sense of hope and significance to their lives. These people know what their looming futures hold and they know that there is nothing available to them that can change their fates. Clinical trials give such people and their families a sense of lasting purpose. Additionally, they provide cherished optimism for the patients’ personal futures.
There are many people who have diseases that cannot be treated with an existing drug or course of therapy. Such people have nothing to lose and an immeasurable amount to benefit by participating in a clinical trial. If the drug, regimen, device or therapy provides the participants with positive results before the treatment becomes accessible to others, then they will have benefited an extensive head start on a cure. For example, a debilitated person for whom there is no curable drug or therapy could take the risk of testing a regimen and walk away with an improved quality of life.
In addition to the possibility of benefiting personal treatment and self-purpose, clinical trial participants gain the merit of providing indispensable information to enable healthcare providers to offer the most supreme quality healthcare for generations to come. Clinical trial participants directly impact the way that healthcare is provided not only nationally but internationally and locally as well. For example, we are seeing a great deal of individuals seeking clinical trials in Miami, Florida. Without the presence of participants, the trial studies cannot take place. Therefore, the cooperation of participants is crucial for the conducting of clinical trials. Knowing that without their cooperation there would be no trials gives participants incalculable fulfillment and purpose in life.
Another advantage of participating in clinical trials is that participants stand to benefit better health care than they receive from their other doctors and therapists. This is because medical investigators involved in clinical trials concentrate directly on the medical issues being studied. Clinical trial participants are meticulously attended to and focused upon by leading health care professionals.
Medical treatment is expensive and many patients cannot afford their required and desired care. Such people may want to look into participating in clinical trials that offer the treatment that can help them because they would stand to benefit the access to drugs, check-ups and regimens at no cost. Additionally, numerous studies offer participants monetary compensation for their cooperation.
An additional benefit of trial participation is purely humanitarian. Many drugs, devices, regimens and therapies have been tested on Caucasian males but not as many have been tested on females, minority populations and children. The participation of all types of people, whether sick or healthy, can help to broaden the use of a valuable drug, device, regimen or therapy to less-tested groups and all of humanity.
Enrollment in clinical trials is completely voluntary. Participation can be very beneficial, although success is not guaranteed. Remember to speak with your health care professional before opting to participate. You never know; the life you save could be your own.