Denver, Colorado 80218

When patients come to the Colorado Blood Cancer Institute, the entire treatment team is committed to ensuring their comfort and safety. We understand that it can be difficult for many of our patients who leave their communities and come to an unfamiliar place for specialized care.
We have staff that will help with housing needs, financial assistance, as well as resources for caregivers. We also offer a variety of support groups, and our team works closely with referring physicians to make sure they are kept up-to-date on patients' progress. As a convenience to our patients, our physicians provide services to an extended geographical area by traveling routinely to partner clinics in Montana, New Mexico, Wyoming and Colorado. The close collaboration between CBCI specialists and physicians in outreach areas allows patients to remain in their communities for follow up care.
As the premier center for blood cancer in the Rocky Mountains, CBCI participates in a number ofgroundbreaking clinical trials and performs over two hundred transplants a year. Very few transplant programs in the country can offer the level of experience and expertise provided by the physicians and staff at CBCI.
Updated: 12/31/1969

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Updated: 6/27/2014

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Updated: 12/31/1969