Bonita Springs, Florida 34134

Lado Clinical Trials ( LCT ) is a dedicated outpatient research facility that specializes in Psychiatry, Substance Abuse, and Neurology. Assuring data quality and validity in clinical trials is of our utmost importance. LCT participates in investigational medications and therapies from clinical trials ranging from phase II through phase IV. Dr. Lado has been trained in rapid transcranial magnetic stimulation and we have the funding and facility to support (r-tms) research. We also have access to a 65 bed dual diagnosis inpatient facility and 22 locked inpatient psychiatric unit for trials in schizophrenia and acute bipolar disorder. LCT has access to a 500 bed facility for skilled and ALF for studies in Alzheimer's disease.
LCT provides an excellent support system to the different patient population allowing support of clinical research to its completion. Our database source is the result of referrals from patients where strong therapeutic alliances have been formed. To attest for this successful relationships, we have various outcome data that substantiate our high referral rates Our website testimonials by patients can attest to their experience under Dr. Lado care.
Dr. Lado has also extensive training in the use of Prometa using Flumazenil under a patent using Flumazenil a compound that selective blocks alpha 4 gaba subunit and has been correlated with significant drop in the use and craving of methamphetamine, cocaine and alcohol.
LCT has many effective years conducting clinical trials in new drug studies, substance abuse studies, psychiatric studies, and neurological research. The following is a list of conditions frequently encountered in our practice:
- Migraine
- Alzheimer's Disease
- Anxiety Disorders
- Depression
- Bipolar Disorder
- Schizophrenia Disorders
- Dual Diagnosis Co-Morbid Substance Abuse Disorders
- Treatment of opoid dependence using suboxone
- Opioid Dependent
- Drug Addiction
Leonard A. Lado, RPh, MD, ABPN
Principal Investigator
Medical Director and Owner
Board Certified in Neurology and Psychiatry
Tabra Haleh, M.D.
Sub Investigator
Sharon Hart, ARNP
Sub Investigator
Nurse Practitioner
Arline Shapiro, PH.D
Sub Investigator
Licensed Psychologist
Alberta Nelson, RT(R), CRC
Clinical Research Coordinator/Regulatory Coordinator
LCT is uniquely situated in the southern most part of southwest Florida attracting a heterogeneous patient population which is compromised of a wide range of age, gender, and ethnic background. We have a large mix population of suboxone, opiate dependence, Major Depressive patients, Alzheimer, and Bipolar patients.
Lee County
Collier County
Charlotte County
Lado Clinical Trials is conveniently located between three counties. LCT is on the border of Lee, Collier and Charlotte County, uniquely situated on the southern most part of Florida attracting a heterogeneous patient population. We are located 30 minutes from the airport and minutes away from area hotels and I-75. We are a bilingual research organization sensitive to the needs of our patients.
Our facility include a warm welcoming waiting area for patients, a designated examination room, laboratory/phlebotomy room, centrifuge, frozen centrifuge, -20 degree freezer, fridge, state of the art digital blood pressure machine, Abaxis Piccolo Express machine for chemistry analyzer giving us quick results for studies that require within minutes chemistry results, automated Dinamp machine, dedicated bathroom for patients, and limited access to locked Pharmacy drug cabinets. LCT is CLIA certified with a Standard Operating Procedure in place.
LCT also has a dedicated space for monitors with unlimited access to our kitchen and its amenities. We have HIPPA secure servers with sharepoint capabilities for remote access of or data sharing for sponsors. Our Electronic Record System has software soon to be approved by Certification Commission for Health Information Technology. We have secure Microsoft live meeting.
We have state of the art software's such as a MINI 6.0 database that is designed to evaluate the diseases of our patient population and the need for future clinical research. We have a low screen failure rate due to our on site MINI database. LCT has a large patient population and database for suboxone and opioid dependency. We have a database of over three thousand outpatients with diagnosis that range from Major Depression, Bipolar, and Anxiety disorders we also have an Alzheimer patient population of approximately one thousand in adult living and skill nursing facilities. LCT has in place HIPAA compliant information servers.
Patient recruitment is typically achieved from our database, advertisement, and media. Most of our recruitment is achieved from our practice where we have encountered a positive feedback. We have also partnered with an imaging facility that provides a wide range of diagnostic services such as specs, MRI, and CT scan.
Leonard A Lado, RPh, MD, ABPN
Principal Investigator and Owner
Lado Clinical Trials
3376 Woods Edge Circle Suite 102
Bonita Springs, FL 34134
239-491-7008 (fax)