Citrus Park-Fern Lake, Florida 33624
Tampa Clinical research is an active research center performing Phase II, III, and IV clinical trials in many therapeutic areas. The center is located within a large suburban, 30,000 patient private family practice. Our goal is to provide quality pharmaceutical research data to sponsors, while creating an excellent research environment for our study patients.
Our center has participated in trials for 7 years. We have experience in multiple therapeutic areas, which include trials in the following: hypertension, acute coronary syndrome, hypercholesterolemia, type 2 diabetes, COPD, GERD, overactive bladder, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, pneumonia, depression, insomnia, and erectile dysfunction. Sponsors with whom we have partnered with include Novartis, GSK, Novo Nordisk, Takeda, Adventis, Forrest, Eli Lilly, Roche, Schering-Plough, Eisai, and Pfizer.
Principal investigator is Michael A. Cromer, MD. and Subinvestigator Kelly Dunn, PA-C. Dr. Cromer is board certified in Family Practice and Addictionology. He has been an investigator for 7 years in many areas, concentrating in cardiovascular, type 2 diabetes and depression.
Tampa Clinical Research has multiple specialists as Sub-Investigators if needed for a protocol. These specialists include but are not limited to: cardiologists, opthalmologists, gasteroenterologists, ear, nose and throat physicians, and radiologists.
Carol Cromer, MBS, MA, has her Masters in Pharmacology and has over 6 years of clinical research. She serves as director of research and head study coordinator.
Our patient population is suburban, 65% Caucasian, 25 % Hispanic, 8% African-American, and 2% Asian.
Age 1-10 yrs. - 10% , 10-20 yrs. - 10% , 30-60 yrs. - 45% , 60-85 yrs. - 25%, and > 85 yrs. - 5%.
Cardiology/Vascular Diseases
Dermatology/Plastic Surgery
We see out-patients only. Our office is equipped with a full lab for blood collection, centrifuge, -20 freezer, and dry ice. Our staff is experienced in the collection of biomarkers and 24-hr urine. The facility has ECG, X-ray, and a dexa scan machine. We are located next to a radiology center that is contracted with us to provide any additional scans a study might require. Also housed in our facility is a vaccine center and an out-patient detox center, with ready patient populations in these trial areas.
Carol Cromer, MBS,MA
Tampa Clinical Research
4278 W. Linebaugh Avenue
Tampa, FL 33624
813-960-7979 (fax)
- Are you undergoing treatment for Congestive Heart Failure?
- Don't let high blood pressure and diabetes puzzle you.
- Family trip to Asia? Mosquitoes spread the disease Japanese Encephalitis all over Asia. Your child(or the child of someone you know) may be eligible to participate in a research study being conducted by Passport Health and Tampa Clinical Research.
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