Clinical Physiology Associates, a multispecialty research group, has been conducting clinical trials for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries for 29+ years. The use of central IRBs and laboratories are preferred. Turn around time for regulatory documents is less than 3 days.
CPA Studies by discipline
Numbers within ( ) refer to the number of different medicines studied. Some medicines were studied in more than one protocol
Internal medicine
Pharmaceutical Companies worked with:
Contract Research Organizations Worked With: 1978-Present
David D. Michie, PhD.
Board Certified Sexology
Ronica Kluge, MD.
Board Certified Internal Medicine & Infectious Diseases
B. Koneru, MD.
Board Certified Internal Medicine & Oncology
Douglas Newland, MD. Certified Neurology
Mary Yankaskas, MD.
Board Certified Obstetrics & Gynecology
Harris Bonnette, MD.
Board Certified Neurology
Adam Heller, MD.
Board Certified Psychiatry & Neurology
Jack Clark, DO
Board Certified Rheumatology
The study center is staffed with full time study coordinators, coordinators' assistants and administrative personnel. All coordinators and their assistants are trained in shipping infectious & biological substances as per 49 CFR section 172,702 & IATA regulations. All staff members are trained in basic life support (CPR), HIPAA guidelines for clinical researchers and the protection of human research subjects.
Cardiology/Vascular Diseases
Immunology/Infectious Diseases
Pulmonary/Respiratory Diseases
- Examination rooms (4)
- Laboratory work areas (2)
- Conference rooms [monitor work areas] (3)
- Double locked limited access drug storage room with
- Shelves
- Counter tops
- Refrigerator/ freezer
- Steel locked controlled substance cabinet
- Physician dictation area with X-ray view box
- Computer room (on line data entry)
- Coordinators' offices (5)
- Administrative offices (3)
- Spacious waiting room
- Rest rooms (3)
- Dantec Urodyn 1000 urine flowmeter (2)
- Diagnostics Ultrasound Bladder Scan (2)
- Rigiscan Plus (with computer interface)
- Infusion Equipment (IMED Gemini PC-1) (2)
- Parks Penilab V (non- invasive vascular lab)
- Parks hand-held transcutaneous Doppler flowmeter
- Parks photoplethysmograph and miscellaneous instruments to perform non-invasive assessments of the peripheral and penile circulations
- Hokanson automatic cuff inflator
- Nihon Kohden Cardiofax V [12 lead EKG] (2)
- Novametrix transcutaneous oxygen monitor (2 channel)
- Omron digital blood pressure monitor (3)
- Quinton Exerdopâ„¢
- Harpenden Stadiometer
- Vabra endometrial biopsy aspirator & related instruments
- KoKo Spirometer with computer interface
Laboratory (dry ice is available daily)
- Refrigerator/ freezer -20 degrees Celsius (various)
- Clinical centrifuges
- Refrigerated centrifuge (Jouan CR412)
- Test tube shaker
- Leitz binocular optical microscope
- Temp-Blok module heater
- Corning Biotrack 516
- Yashica Dental-Eye II
Computers & Related Items
- DSL line (all coordinators have internet access)
- intra- office network
- Computers: Dell
- Facsimiles
- Xerox WorkStation 390
- Sharp FO-4500
- HP 1010
- Copy machines
- Minolta DiALTA with sorter
Demographics of the area (July 2009 University of Florida BEBR)
- Population estimate: 625,124
- Persons 65+ years of age: 150,029
- Females 18+ years of age: 255,050
- Study Center Database: 7008
- # female patients 4,563
- # male patients 2,361
- # of persons 65+ years of age: 2,245
- # of male patients 65+ years of age: 1029
- # of female patients +65 years of age: 1,197
Linda Aschom, President, ARNP
Dr. David Michie, Director of Research
Clinical Physiology Associates
4110 Center Point Dr., Suite 219
Ft. Myers, FL 33916
239-936-2865 (fax)
- Diabetic Neuropathy, A burning, aching, stabbing pain in both feet or legs brought about by diabetes.
- Older adult patients with uncomplicated influenza.
- Peripheral Neuropathic Pain with Mechanical Hypersensitivity
- Pneumonia - Community Acquired
- Postmenopausal Hot Flashes, Study Drug is not a hormone.
Updated: 12/31/1969

Updated: 7/28/2015

Updated: 12/31/1969

Updated: 12/31/1969

Updated: 12/31/1969

Updated: 12/31/1969