Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center integrates all cancer-related activities of the faculty of the University of Miami. This includes all cancer treatment, research and education, and outreach conducted at the University of Miami's Miller School of Medicine and within the University of Miami Health System (UHealth). As the only University-based Comprehensive Cancer Center in the region, we play a unique role in the South Florida medical community. Since its inception, Sylvester has transformed cancer treatment, research and education in South Florida and beyond.
Sylvester physicians treated nearly 6,000 newly diagnosed cancer patients within the University of Miami Health System in 2012. In addition, we supervised the care of more than 2,500 new cancer patients at Jackson Memorial Hospital. This represents the largest experience of any hospital or health system in the counties that make up South Florida.
Updated: 8/13/2013

Updated: 12/31/1969

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Updated: 4/7/2014

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Updated: 12/26/2017

Updated: 12/31/1969

Updated: 12/31/1969