Augusta, Georgia 30912
(706) 721-2505

The Georgia Regents University (GRU) is located in Augusta, Georgia, 145 miles east of Atlanta. Founded in 1828, Georgia Regents University is home to the Medical College of Georgia, the 13th-oldest continuously operating medical school in the United States and the third-oldest in the Southeast.
The GRU facilities include the 478-bed MCGHealth Medical Center, the Children's Medical Center, and extensive outpatient clinics. In addition, GRU has opened both a new Cancer Research Center and Cancer Treatment Center, further demonstrating the institution's dedication to offering the finest possible cancer care. The Cancer Research Center opened in 2006 with the mission of reducing cancer morbidity and mortality through the application of laboratory and clinical research discoveries to prevention, early diagnosis, control and treatment of cancer. In 2010, the 57,000 sq. foot Cancer Treatment Center opened. Using a modern, scientific approach known as evidence-based design along with the expert advice of cancer patient advisors, this new facility brings in nature and sunlight, it welcomes family and friends, and it puts patients in charge in as many ways possible.
Since 2004, the Georgia Health Sciences University Minority-Based Community Clinical Oncology Program (GHSU MB-CCOP) has been dedicated to making NCI-sponsored cancer treatment, prevention and symptom-control studies available to cancer patients and patients that are at risk for cancer in the Central Savannah River Area (CSRA), which consists of 13 East Georgia counties and 5 West Central South Carolina counties. Affiliates are located in the cities of Athens (Northeast Georgia) and Dublin (Central Georgia). By offering clinical trials from a variety of research bases covering multiple cancer sites, patients seen for cancer care at GHSU and our affiliates have access to the latest in cutting edge research.
Ultimately, success of the MB-CCOP depends upon the joint efforts of three GHSU departments: Adult Hematology/Oncology, under the direction of Dr. Anand Jillella, focuses on the treatment of adult cancer patients. Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, under the direction of Dr. Colleen McDonough, focuses on the treatment of pediatric cancer patients. Family Medicine, under the direction of Dr. Daron Ferris, focuses on cancer prevention and control among all age groups.
Updated: 7/24/2014

Updated: 9/20/2012