Illinois CancerCare, P.C. is a comprehensive practice treating patients withcancer andblood diseases. Our focus is providing state-of-the-art treatments for our patients in the fight against these diseases while staying on the leading edge of breakthrough research and medicines. We are one of the largest private oncology practices in the nation, and we’re proud to say we have helped countless individuals overcome this disease to live healthy, inspiring lives.
Illinois CancerCare was founded in 1977 by Dr. Stephen Cullinan in Peoria, Illinois. Since then, our practice has grown to include17 physicians and 13 differentclinic locations. Our care team also includes 15 nurse practitioners and nearly 50 nurses – 80 percent of them certified as OCNs (Oncology Certified Nurses) – and more than 230 full- and part-time staff members.
Updated: 12/31/1969
Updated: 7/24/2014
Updated: 11/9/2012
Updated: 9/20/2012