Des Moines, Iowa 50309
(515) 282-2921

Iowa's first children's cancer center opened at Blank Children's Hospital in 1987 - concentrating all phases of pediatric cancer diagnosis and treatment in one unique area. Expanding upon that concept in 1991, the John Stoddard Cancer Center opened at Iowa Methodist Medical Center, a significant new milestone. It was the first cancer center in central Iowa to house all radiation oncology and ancillary services in one location. The new facility centralized all outpatient oncology services in one area while conveniently locating them by the inpatient services offered at Iowa Methodist Medical Center. This progressive concept was a result of our long-standing commitment to meet the changing needs of the patients and families we serve.
Updated: 3/15/2011

Updated: 12/5/2012

Updated: 3/7/2014

Updated: 5/1/2013

Updated: 11/9/2012

Updated: 8/30/2012

Updated: 12/6/2012

Updated: 1/18/2013