Bluegrass Epilepsy Research
Lexington, Kentucky 40504
We've found
2 trials
at this facility
Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome (LGS) Clinical Trial
Updated: 12/31/1969
Study of Perampanel as Adjunctive Treatment for Inadequately Controlled Seizures Associated With Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome
Status: Enrolling,
Updated: 12/31/1969
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Epilepsy, Dravet Syndrome, Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome, Dup15q Syndrome, CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder Clinical Trial
Updated: 12/31/1969
A Phase 2, Prospective, Interventional, Open-Label, Multi-Site, Extension Study to Assess the Long-Term Safety and Tolerability of TAK-935 (OV935) as Adjunctive Therapy in Patients With Rare Epilepsy
Status: Enrolling,
Updated: 12/31/1969
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