What are the Best Superfoods for Your Kidneys? (Part 1)
If you’re living with chronic kidney disease (CKD), or simply concerned about your overall health, then you should know that there are many superfoods with established benefits for the kidneys. We also want to take this moment to remind you that March is National Kidney Month, so it’s the perfect time to add some of these foods to your grocery store list.
Kidneys that have become impaired or even developed kidney disease produce inflammation which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Someone who has been diagnosed with CKD needs to take the time to work with a renal dietitian in order to develop a well rounded diet. The following superfoods can help you increase your antioxidant and nutrient intake and should compliment the dietary plan you have developed with your dietitian.
(Would you be interested in participating in a chronic kidney disease clinical trial? Please click here if you’d like to learn more.)
Here are our list of kidney superfoods– please note that these help support better overall health no matter who you are.
1) Cabbage
Cabbage is a cruciferous vegetable, which means it’s rich in a chemical known as phytochemicals. These actually work in an incredibly effective way to break apart free radicals. Clinical studies suggest they can combat the effects of cancer and improve overall cardiovascular health.
In addition to being a relatively cheap option at the store, cabbages are:
- Rich in vitamin C and K
- High in fiber
- A great source of vitamin B6 and folic acid
- Low in potassium (good for the kidneys)
There are plenty of ways to add cabbages to your diet, including:
- Making coleslaw
- Using it as a topping on tacos and sandwiches
- Serving it steamed or boiled
- Serving them stuffed
- Serving it with some cream cheese and herbs
2) Red Bell Peppers
Have you experienced the symptoms of renal impairment? Then eating more red peppers is a great choice. Fans of peppers know that they can add some great flavor and color to any dish, but they’re also:
- Low in in potassium
- Vitamins A, C, and B6
- Folic acid
- Fiber
- Antioxidant lycopene– known for it’s anti cancer properties
Those who are already on a specific diet plan will discover that it’s easy to add red bell peppers to the mix. Here are some great ways to include them in your next meal:
- Roasted peppers make great toppings
- Mix them into chicken salad or tuna
- Add chopped peppers to omelets and other egg based meals
- Stuff them with certain foods
- Add them to a kabob
- Eat them raw with a healthy dip
3) Garlic
It should be no surprise that garlic made this list of superfoods. They are well known for their anti inflammatory properties and ability to reduce cholesterol levels. Garlic also has anti-clotting and antioxidant properties.
Here are our cooking recommendations for CKD patients:
- Add to nearly any vegetable or meat based dish
- Supplement garlic powder for garlic salt
- Consider adding raw garlic in appropriate meals– here are some excellent tips
4) Cauliflower
Cauliflower is another cruciferous vegetable like cabbage that’ll help you get more fiber and vitamin C in your diet. Research has also shown that cauliflower has a compound that helps the liver neutralize toxic substances.
Here are our cooking recommendations for CKD patients:
- Serve the steamed or boiled
- Eat cauliflower raw in salads or on their own
- Season and add to other dishes
- Mash them up as a replacement for mashed potatoes
5) Onion
Onions are a very versatile superfood (like garlic) that can be included in many different dishes, making that much easier to add to your renal diet. Onions are chock full of flavonoids, such as quercetin. These natural chemicals protect against the buildup of fatty deposits in the blood vessels. Quercetin is a potent antioxidant that experts believe can combat heart disease and cancer. On top of that, onions also have anti-inflammatory properties.
They can be enjoyed raw on sandwiches or cooked into many great meals. They also contain a mineral called chromium which boosts the body’s ability to metabolize proteins, fats and carbohydrates– onions are a great choice when combating high cholesterol.
These 5 foods are great and there are plenty of tasty ways that you can include them into your diet. Next week, we hope you’ll tune in for part 2 of our series on superfoods that are perfect for National Kidney Month.