Lansing, Michigan 48910
(517) 975-9500

This busy clinic provides care to thousands of patients each year. Physicians also provide care to inpatients, and consultation in their area of expertise. Interdisciplinary cancer clinics are used to create a care team and cancer treatment plan that involves the patient, oncologists, radiation oncologists, surgeons, and other experts.
The Division has an active clinical trials program that provides patients with cutting-edge treatment and helps advance the field of oncology. The Division participates in national cooperative groups trials, including the National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project (NSABP) and the Southwest Oncology Group, both supported through the NIH's National Cancer Institute. In addition, the Clinical Trials Unit conducts many other trials to advance the science and treatment of cancer.
Updated: 12/31/1969

Updated: 12/31/1969

Updated: 12/31/1969

Updated: 12/31/1969

Updated: 10/7/2013