Willmar, Minnesota 56201
(320) 231-4570 http://www.willmarregionalcancercenter.com

As a Community Hospital Cancer Program approved by the American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer, Rice Memorial Hospital has been providing quality cancer care to adult patients since 1989.
In 2009, the cancer center completed an extensive remodeling and became known as the Willmar Regional Cancer Center (WRCC). The newly integrated center combined the medical oncology services of Affiliated Community Medical Center with the radiation oncology services of Rice Memorial Hospital into one comprehensive cancer treatment center. This joint venture is owned by Willmar Medical Services.
Also in 2009, WRCC began an affiliation with the Virginia Piper Cancer Institute® in order to provide the most comprehensive continuity of care for cancer patients in this region.
Updated: 11/9/2012

Updated: 9/20/2012

Updated: 12/6/2012

Updated: 12/5/2012