Clinical Trials News

The 411 on the New Mammogram Guidelines
The American Cancer Society has officially revised its guidelines for mammograms. This can be a confusing topic for many Americans, but we’re going to cover everything you need to know about them …

5 Breast Cancer Advancements That’ll Change How It’s Treated
The nearly 3 million breast cancer survivors here in America help show just how far we have come in the fight against this terrible disease. According to the American Cancer Society, mortality …

The First Drug for Progressive Multiple Sclerosis is Coming
Progressive multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neurodegenerative condition that attacks the nervous system. This means that this disease impacts a patient’s entire body. It’s a terrible illness that we have yet to …

An Inuit Study Could Change Omega 3’s Place in Your Diet
A new look at the Inuit people provides an intriguing twist when it comes to our preconceived notions of omega-3 fatty acids. Since the 1970’s, omega-3 fatty acid has come highly recommended …

How Can You Help End Childhood Cancer?
Did you know that 1 in every 285 American children is diagnosed with a form of pediatric cancer? That’s a really shocking statistic and one that you should keep in mind this …