Clinical Trials News

Johns Hopkins Researchers Test New Therapy for High Cholesterol
It has become all-too-common for people with high cholesterol to take statin medication to help manage these levels. Unfortunately, there are many patients who have not responded to this form of treatment. …

Are You Going Red for Heart Health this February?
February happens to be American Heart Month, an important event which helps raise awareness of the number one killer in the US– heart disease. Communities and organizations will be working together throughout …

Featured Clinical Trials in Florida Looking for Volunteers
Florida may not conduct as many clinical trials as California but it’s been gaining ground rapidly. Many of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world have shown interest in sponsoring new clinical …

Kick Off the Year with Cervical Cancer Awareness Month [INFOGRAPHIC]
To show our appreciation for Cervical Cancer Awareness Month this January, we’d like to share this brand new infographic! Click on the thumbnail to see the full image: Cervical cancer occurs …

From New Exercises to MRI’s: Featured Clinical Trials in California
There is not another state in the country that conducts as many clinical trials as California. It has become a major hub for the research industry with companies competing to sponsor new …