Clinical Trials News

Introducing a Paleo Diet for Fibromyalgia
With the comparable lack of objective diagnostic tests available for fibromyalgia, this chronic condition has remained widely misunderstood by the public and some health care providers. Every case of fibromyalgia can be …

Our Guideline for Preventing the Transmission of Hepatitis C
For anyone who has been diagnosed with hepatitis C, they may be worried about transmitting this infectious disease to any of their friends or family. This can become a difficult issue for …

Researchers Call for Treatment that Addresses Diabetes and COPD
A team of researchers at the University of Colorado have discovered that diabetics with a history of smoking will likely develop significantly impaired lung function, even if they don’t have overt chronic …

Should Women Get Mammograms at a Younger Age?
Most breast cancer deaths occur in women who did not receive annual mammogram screenings, according to new research. These findings differ from the national screening guidelines that only stress routine mammograms in …

To Combat Diabetes, Eat More Fruit and Skip the Fruit Juice
Recently, science has identified numerous health benefits for blueberries, while also raising new concerns over our regular consumption of fruit juice. According to a new clinical study from Harvard University, eating more …