Clinical Trials News

What is Gestational Diabetes?
Unlike type 1 or type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes is a medical condition that develops in a expectant mother during pregnancy. Gestational diabetes can resemble the symptoms of T2D in that it …

Performing a Neck Check for Thyroid Cancer
Luckily, patients with thyroid cancer usually are given a very good prognosis (it has a 97 percent five-year survival rate). However, this is not a good excuse to be ignorant of the …

Could Better Syringe Programs Reduce the Rate of Hepatitis C?
In Australia, there has been a sizeable reduction in the number of new hepatitis C cases amongst users of injectable narcotics. This new trend was reported in the American Journal of Public …

Timing of Solid Food Exposure Could Impact an Infant’s Risk of Diabetes
According to a new diabetes clinical study, the timing that parents chose to start their infants on solid foods seems to impact their risk of developing type 1 diabetes (also known as …

Taking Actos Could Lead to Bladder Cancer
The results of several new studies have provided evidence suggesting that the risk of developing bladder cancer as a result of taking Actos (pioglitazone) is greater than previously indicated in its preliminary …