Clinical Trials News

The Artificial Pancreas for Type 1 Diabetes
The artificial pancreas may present a real opportunity for medical researchers to cure type 1 diabetes. The results from a diabetes clinical study in Israel showed that the artificial pancreas was able …

Could More Men Have Fibromyalgia and Not Know It?
Fibromyalgia is a complex syndrome that is quite difficult to diagnose and widely misunderstood. At this time, there is still not diagnostic test that has been developed specifically for fibromyalgia, and researchers …

Nerve Stimulation Could Protect Against Migraine Headaches
Repeat migraine sufferers may find unprecedented relief from their headaches with a nerve stimulator that is placed on the forehead. Even more importantly, this new device has proven to be quite safe …

Guess What! It’s American Heart Month!
Now that it is February means that we are honoring American Heart Month, a very important event for public health awareness. Throughout the entire month, health experts will be encouraging more heart …

Are You Hurting Yourself by Eating Later in the Day?
In the latest issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, a leading medical researcher was quoted as stating that much of what we think we know about weight loss is actually …