Clinical Trials News

Abbott researcher working on new hep C drug trials

Abbott’s New Hep C Drugs Produce High Cure Rates in Trials

Abbott Laboratories has been seeing some significant success with their new trio of oral drugs developed to treat hepatitis C. In fact, the latest results from one of their clinical trials for …

Man suffers a sudden COPD exacerbation

Preventing COPD Through Awareness

Have you ever had that strange experience where you think about breathing, and then you can’t stop noticing how often you actually breathe? Are you doing it now?? Breathing is a simple …

Pregnant woman managing RA symptoms well

How Can Rheumatoid Arthritis Affect Your Pregnancy?

If you are currently pregnant or expecting to be soon, you may wonder how a condition like rheumatoid arthritis (RA) could affect your pregnancy. Fortunately there is some good news: plenty of …

Participant in an arthritis clinical trial

What Can a Mouse Teach Us About Arthritis?

A team of researchers from Western University have made a startling discovery which could have a significant impact on millions of lives around the world. This discovery may very well lead to …

Oncologist examining scans from a cancer patient

How Can Resveratrol Prevent Cancer and Diabetes?

On Wednesday, December 5, a team of scientists from the University of Leicester presented astonishing new evidence to the medical community. They have discovered that a chemical, which can be found in …