Clinical Trials News

Woman is diagnosed with breast cancer at an earlier stage

New Diagnostic Tool which Predicts Breast Cancer Metastasis

Medical researchers from the Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO) and the Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL) are working together to develop a diagnostic tool that is able to determine the metastatic ability …

Neurons damaged during a stroke

The Average Stroke Patient is Getting Younger

According to a recent clinical study, the average age of stroke patients in the United States has been getting younger and younger since the 1990’s. In fact, medical researchers reported in 2005 …

Baby could need medication if unhealthy

Overweight Children Twice as Likely to Require Medication

A recent study on overweight children found that they had a significantly higher chance of taking prescription medication compared to children of normal weight. The costs that have been associated with treating childhood …

Florida Medical Research Spotlight

Notable Clinical Trial Facilities in the Sunshine State

As the state with the third largest number of active clinical trial facilities in the nation, Florida continues to be a leader in the medical research industry. This state also possesses a highly diverse …

Car decorated for Breast Cancer Awareness Month

A Quick Peek at Breast Cancer Awareness Month

September is drawing to a close, so don’t be surprised if you start seeing a little more pink around your town. That’s right; next month is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Every year during …