Introducing a Paleo Diet for Fibromyalgia

Fibro patient is preparing meatWith the comparable lack of objective diagnostic tests available for fibromyalgia, this chronic condition has remained widely misunderstood by the public and some health care providers. Every case of fibromyalgia can be different, and this condition can produce a wide range of symptoms from patient to patient. In fact, some people may struggle with the symptoms of fibromyalgia for years without ever discovering what’s really causing these issues.

At this time, there is still no cure available for fibromyalgia, but that doesn’t mean that you should let this chronic condition rule over your life. There are a variety of ways that people can gain some measure of control over their fibromyalgia, and many more people are learning that they can really improve their symptoms with a proper fibro-oriented diet.

Customizing the Paleo Diet for Fibromyalgia

The paleo diet is one of the most popular diets around right now, and more people have started to use this method of eating to help control their chronic diseases (like rheumatoid arthritis or lupus). Now, there has been growing support amongst people with fibromyalgia for the paleolithic diet. Many of the leading figures for the caveman diet and lifestyle are spending more time answering questions as to how this style of eating can help more people gain some measure of control over their chronic illnesses.

One of these is Dr. Kresser, a well known figure head for the paleo diet with a large online following. He also works full time as a naturopathic doctor, so he does have some experience dealing with patients and their symptoms. He has been advocating the paleo diet to his patients for years and has reported some amazing results from his own patients. In fact, Dr. Kresser has taken things a step further and developed his own customized version of the caveman diet that could be used by fibromyalgia patients.

Eliminating Potential Food Aggressors for Fibromyalgia

If you remember from our earlier post on the paleo diet, the modern day paleo diet has been built on a very basic principle. The theory behind this style of eating is that human beings have evolved to eat the foods that were available to our ancestors during the Paleolithic period. This caveman diet is rich in lean meat protein, fruits, vegetables, seeds, and nuts.

This diet is not the easiest thing to adapt and adhere to, because it does not allow for anymore dairy products or gluten (breads, pasta, cakes, muffins, and even cereal). For some people with fibromyalgia, they need to cut out foods like peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, and eggplant (these are all things known as nightshade vegetables) which can cause a flare-up of their symptoms. These are exactly the types of things that can be eliminated by adopting a diet customized for fibromyalgia.

Remember Diet Changes will Affect Fibromyalgia

Advocates of the paleo diet and lifestyle have also been helping to promote the benefits of more sunshine exposure and exercise. The best alternative methods of treating fibromyalgia include such things as massage therapy, yoga, and even meditation techniques. These have all proven to be effective at relieving some of the worse fibro symptoms and helping to prevent future flare-ups.

If you have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, then you should exercise caution when choosing to make any change to your regular diet, as this might cause a flare-up or have some other unforeseen effect on your syndrome. If you want to change your diet, then it would be wise to discuss your ideas with your doctor beforehand. He or she may have some concerns over things you might have overlooked. In fact, most doctors will recommend 1 to 3 months of a stable whole 30 or similar diet plan for their fibro patients before they condone any subsequent diet changes.