Durham, North Carolina 27705
919-668-5055 http://www.dukesmoking.com smoking@duke.edu

The Duke Center for Smoking and Cessation Research is a world-renown research center. The Center is led by Jed Rose, Ph.D., co-creator of the nicotine patch.
The Center's Mission is to further the scientific understanding of tobacco addiction and to explore new, more effective treatments to help smokers quit.
CNSCR's studies test investigational approaches, while others investigate the efficacy of using existing treatments in new ways.
The Duke CNSCR is a medically-supervised research center, which means a person must qualify in order to participate in one of our studies. The center offers two types of studies:
- Quit studies are designed to help people quit smoking, using new types of treatments and therapies. Participants in these studies will be asked to quit smoking.
- Research studies are designed to further research, and participants in these studies do not have to quit smoking.
Pulmonary/Respiratory Diseases
Anne Marie Jacobs
Marketing Specialist
2424 Erwin Road
Durham, NC 27705
919-668-5088 (fax)