Cleveland, Ohio 44111

Fairview Hospital is a 488-bed hospital located at the western edge of Cleveland, overlooking the Cleveland Metroparks. Fairview Hospital has served the community for more than 110 years, offering a full range of services and physicians skilled in providing that care.
The hospital conducts residency-training programs in family medicine, general surgery and internal medicine and also has institutional affiliation with two medical schools to provide clerkship opportunities for medical students in several specialties.
Fairview serves as a participating hospital for the anesthesiology, internal medicine, pediatric, radiology and sports medicine programs sponsored by the Cleveland Clinic. As a teaching hospital, Fairview continues to maintain one of the highest board passing rates in the area.
The hospital is quickly developing a national reputation in blood conservation, education and research through its Center for Blood Conservation. The Center is an innovative response to skyrocketing blood costs, severe national blood shortages, a growing concern regarding some harmful effects of blood transfusion and the increased demand for an organized educational approach to blood management. Hemo Concepts, a world-renowned leader in the development of blood conservation programs, selected Fairview Hospital to be the first hospital in the world to host the Bloodless Medicine and Surgery Institute (BMSI). Fairview Hospital will teach physicians and nurses from around the world the principles of blood management, as well as how to manage their own blood conservation programs. The hospital was chosen based on the reputation its bloodless program has established in the medical community and because of its nationally recognized results.
The quality of care provided by Fairview Hospital continues to be measured by others
Updated: 12/31/1969

Updated: 6/21/2013

Updated: 3/7/2014

Updated: 12/31/1969

Updated: 5/1/2013

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Updated: 4/7/2016

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Updated: 8/30/2012

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Updated: 8/22/2017

Updated: 9/20/2012

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Updated: 12/6/2012

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Updated: 4/9/2018

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Updated: 11/2/2017

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Updated: 5/4/2017

Updated: 12/31/1969

Updated: 12/31/1969

Updated: 12/31/1969

Updated: 12/31/1969