Columbus CCOP
100 Michigan Street, NE, MC012
Columbus, Ohio 43215
(614) 488-2118

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As one of the original 20 CCOPs, the Columbus Community Clinical Oncology Program has from its initial funding in 1983 played a major role in the delivery of state-of-the-art cancer care in our communities. This means that all of our investigators and nurses are firmly committed to the concept that cancer therapy and clinical trials are mutually supportive. We believe that a clinical trial is often the best, and sometimes the only treatment option available for patients with cancer. The Columbus CCOP provides the best scientific trials, extensive educational opportunities, and a framework for multispecialty collaboration throughout central and southeastern Ohio. Continued growth has occurred over the years and our consortium is now up to 16 hospitals, and 95 physicians covering 40+ counties in central and southeastern Ohio.

Our goals are to increase the availability of clinical trials to even more communities and physicians in central and southern Ohio. We strive to reach more minority and underserved populations, both locally as well as in the Appalachian region of southeastern Ohio. Increased collaboration with non-oncology specialists, especially in the area of cancer control trials, is another important goal. We have set these goals because our patients will benefit. Our cadre of dedicated physicians is a major strength of the Columbus CCOP. Most of the participating oncologists have strong academic backgrounds and are well grounded in clinical research and clinical trial participation. Every oncologist member of the Columbus CCOP is involved in our ad hoc clinical research process, which involves their collaboration in determining the viability of protocols for the CCOP to send to the IRB for approval.

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