, Pennsylvania 16635
814-693-0300 http://www.altoonaresearch.com altoonaresearch@gmail.com
The Altoona Center for Clinical Research was founded in 1991 by Alan J. Kivitz, MD, CPI. This is a privately owned, 40,000 square foot state-of-the-art research and group private facility that includes four Rheumatologists. The center also has a 5 bed overnight or extended stay facility for conducting Phase I and PK studies.
ACCR is dedicated to providing quality clinical research with the highest standards of patient safety.
Over 600 studies have been completed at the center for at least 100 different Sponsors and CRO's. ACCR has met or exceeded promised enrollment goals in the vast majority of these trials.
A separate employee is dedicated solely to patient recruitment.
ACCR conducts Phase 1 through IV clinical trials.
We are highly experienced in, but not limited to, the following indications:
- Ankylosing Spondylitis
- Chronic Pain
- Diabetic Neuropathy
- Fibromyalgia
- Gout
- Healthy
- Insomnia
- Low Back Pain
- Lupus
- NSAID Induced Ulcers
- Obesity
- Osteoarthritis
- Osteoporosis
- Overactive Bladder
- Psoriasis
- Psoriatic Arthritis
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Stress Urinary Incontinence
Alan Kivitz, MD, CPI, Frederick Murphy, DO, Marianne Shaw, MD, and Lori Lavelle, DO have a combined 35 years of research experience. All four physicians are Board Certified in Rheumatology and Internal Medicine. Dr. Kivitz is a Certified Clinical Investigator and is also a member of one of the premier Osteoporosis & Arthritis Investigator Networks in the Nation, but he is not a member of any SMO.
You may preview his CV at: www.osnet.org
- 5 Physician Assistants
- 1 Nurse Practitioner
- 1 Dietician
- 1 Medical Doctor acting as un-blinded Pharmacist
- Quality Assurance Director
- Research Manager
- 18 Clinical Research Coordinators (5 are ACRP certified)
- Regulatory Specialist
- Contracts Specialist
- Advertising/Recruitment Director
- IATA certified staff
Altoona Center for Clinical Research draws their patients from a 50 mile radius. They serve as the sole group rheumatology practice in Blair County with a population of 129,000.
ACCR has over 40,000 patients in their electronic database which typically fulfills 85% of the enrolled subjects in clinical trials.
Dermatology/Plastic Surgery
Equipment on-site:
- 5 dedicated Monitoring Rooms with telephone and high speed internet
- IV suite (IV pumps and CRASH cart)
- 5 bed Phase 1 unit
- Gastroenterology Suite
- Sleep Laboratory
- 32 exam rooms
- State certified laboratory
- Locked drug storage area
- Electronic medical records
- X-ray (digital)
- DEXA with IVA using a Hologic 4500W
- Pharmacy
- -70° and -20° freezers (alarmed & temp monitored/controlled)
- Refrigerated Centrifuge
- Biological Safety Hood for drug prep
Lisa Claycomb
Clinical Research Administrator
Altoona Center for Clinical Research
175 Meadowbrook Lane
Duncansville, PA 16635
814-693-0400 (fax)
Updated: 4/27/2012
Updated: 4/27/2012
Updated: 6/14/2013