Determine Tumor Response Using Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)- Positron Emission Tomography (PET)/Computed Tomography (CT) Before and After Cetuximab in Patients With Head and Neck Cancer

Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:June 2008
End Date:August 2015

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Determination of Tumor SUV by FDG-PET/CT Before and After Cetuximab in Patients With Metastatic Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck

The purpose of this study is to collect data and evaluate how the tumor is broken down in
response to standard of care cetuximab treatment by evaluating the FDG-PET/CT scans,
toxicity, see how well the FDG-PET/CT scans predict response to treatment and survival.

Primary Endpoint

To compare the SUV (standardized uptake value) at up to three target tumor sites as assessed
by FDG-PET/CT of eligible patients at baseline and then after eight weeks of treatment with

Secondary Endpoints

- To determine the overall tumor metabolic response (complete metabolic response, partial
metabolic response, stable metabolic disease or progressive metabolic disease [CMR,
PMR, SMD, or PMD]) to eight weeks of scheduled weekly doses of cetuximab as assessed by
FDG-PET/CT performed at baseline and then after therapy.

- To correlate the overall tumor metabolic response (CMR, PMR, SMD, or PMD) as assessed
by FDG-PET/CT with the anatomic tumor response rate (complete response, partial
response, stable disease or progressive disease [CR, PR, SD, or PD]) by RECIST criteria
as assessed by CT and clinical examination performed after eight weeks of scheduled
weekly doses of cetuximab.

- To correlate the overall tumor metabolic response (CMR, PMR, SMD, or PMD) as assessed
by FDG-PET/CT and to correlate the overall anatomic tumor response (CR, PR, SD, or PD)
by RECIST criteria as assessed by CT and clinical examination obtained at baseline and
after eight weeks of treatment with weekly scheduled doses of cetuximab to TTP (time to
progression) and OS (overall survival) with cetuximab therapy.

- To determine the overall best anatomic tumor response rate (CR, PR, SD, or PD) to
cetuximab given until disease progression as assessed by RECIST criteria using CT and
clinical examination.

- To determine the overall disease control rate (CR, PR, and SD) by RECIST criteria as
assessed by CT and clinical examination and to determine the TTP and the OS with
cetuximab therapy.

- To assess the toxicity profile for standard of care cetuximab given to patients with
metastatic squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Histologically proven diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck

- Have either locally recurrent, unresectable, previously irradiated SCCHN OR
metastatic SCCHN, with at least one measurable tumor lesion (by CT scan) and at least
one FDG avid (SUV >/= 3, >/= 1.5 cm) tumor lesion (by PET/CT).

- Age greater than 18 yrs.

- ECOG Performance Status of 0-3

- Signed IRB approved Informed Consent.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Clinical history of severe interstitial lung disease (not COPD)-as defined by prior
pulmonary function tests (PFTs) with residual volume, total lung capacity, or
corrected diffuse lung capacity for carbon monoxide (DLCO) <30% of predicted. For
this study, screening PFT's required only if clinically indicated.

- Prior therapy with an epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-specific monoclonal
antibody (MAB) for treatment of metastatic SCCHN. Prior therapy with an EGFR-specific
MAB as part of the definitive treatment of non-metastatic SCCHN is acceptable if this
occurred more than three months previously. Prior therapy with an EGFR specific TKI
will not be an exclusion factor.

- Women of child bearing potential who are current pregnant or breast feeding.

- Prior severe (Grade 4) infusion reaction to cetuximab.

- A serious uncontrolled medical disorder that in the opinion of the Investigator would
impair the ability of the subject to receive protocol therapy.

- Chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or investigational agents given with the last 14

- Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus. (Subjects with a fasting blood glucose > 200 at time
of PET scanning may need to reschedule to another day after consulting with
appropriate physicians.)
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