DNA Microarray Study of Pancreas Cancer

Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:Any
Start Date:June 2008
End Date:June 2011
Contact:Sarah A Rodriguez, MD

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DNA Microarray Analysis of Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsies to Discriminate Benign From Malignant Pancreatic Lesions

Pancreas cancer and precancerous cysts can be difficult to diagnose. Sometimes biopsies do
not show cancer when cancer is actually present. We hypothesize that genetic differences
exist in tissue that is malignant compared to nonmalignant. When patients present with a
pancreas mass or cyst, we biopsy it by fine-needle aspiration during upper endoscopy with
ultrasound guidance. We would like to use tissue obtained via endoscopic ultrasound guided
fine needle aspiration to perform DNA microarray analysis, and compare the differences in
gene expression level in the benign tissue compared to cancerous tissue in order to improve
our diagnostic capabilities. DNA microarray measures gene expression level rather than
germline mutations. The true diagnosis will be based on cytology, surgical pathology, or
clinical followup. The performance of the microarray test as a diagnostic test will be
compared to the performance of cytology.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Adults aged 18 or older who are able to give informed consent who present for an
endoscopic ultrasound to evaluate a pancreas mass or cyst or for suspicion of cancer.

Exclusion Criteria:

- Unable to give informed consent, pregnant or nursing, contraindication to endoscopic
ultrasound, no mass or cyst found on ultrasound
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