Diet and Physical Activity Change or Usual Care in Improving Progression-Free Survival in Patients With Previously Treated Stage II, III, or IV Ovarian, Fallopian Tube, or Primary Peritoneal Cancer
Status: | Recruiting |
Conditions: | Ovarian Cancer, Cancer, Cancer, Cancer, Cognitive Studies, Cognitive Studies |
Therapuetic Areas: | Oncology, Psychiatry / Psychology |
Healthy: | No |
Age Range: | 18 - Any |
Updated: | 8/24/2017 |
Start Date: | June 18, 2012 |
Can Diet and Physical Activity Modulate Ovarian, Fallopian Tube and Primary Peritoneal Cancer Progression-Free Survival?
This randomized phase III trial studies whether changes in diet and physical activity can
increase the length of survival without the return of cancer (progression-free survival)
compared with usual care in patients with previously treated stage II, III, or IV ovarian,
fallopian tube, or primary peritoneal cancer. A healthy diet and physical activity program
and counseling may help patients make healthier lifestyle choices. It is not yet known
whether changes in diet and exercise may help increase progression-free survival in patients
with previously treated cancer.
increase the length of survival without the return of cancer (progression-free survival)
compared with usual care in patients with previously treated stage II, III, or IV ovarian,
fallopian tube, or primary peritoneal cancer. A healthy diet and physical activity program
and counseling may help patients make healthier lifestyle choices. It is not yet known
whether changes in diet and exercise may help increase progression-free survival in patients
with previously treated cancer.
I. To determine if women who are disease-free after successfully completing primary and
potential consolidation/maintenance, therapy for stage II-IV ovarian, fallopian tube or
primary peritoneal cancer and who are randomized to a healthy lifestyle intervention, will
have significantly increased progression-free survival compared to similar women who are
randomized to a usual care comparison group.
I. To determine if women who are randomized to the study intervention will have improved
general quality of life as measured by the General Health subscale of Research and
Development (RAND) 36-Item Health Survey (RAND-36).
II. To determine if women who are randomized to the study intervention will have improved
physical and bowel functioning as measured by the Physical Functioning subscale of RAND-36
and the Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale (GSRS)-Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), compared
to women who are randomized to usual care.
I. To assess patient compliance with the healthy lifestyle intervention by analyzing
biomarkers (e.g., total carotenoid) at baseline, 6, 12, and 24 months.
II. To explore the relationship between carotenoid exposure and progression free survival
from ovarian cancer.
III. To examine patient compliance with the healthy lifestyle intervention and to assess
which types of patients are more likely to be compliant with the healthy lifestyle
intervention and whether progression-free survival is better among compliant individuals.
IV. To explore the impact of the intervention on other aspects of quality of life such as
pain, role limitations due to physical health and emotional problems, mental health,
vitality, and social functioning as measured by the corresponding subscales of the RAND-36.
V. To explore the impact of the intervention on bowel functioning as measured with the
GSRS-IBS subscales.
VI. To assess the association between subjectively measured sleep duration/quality (using the
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Scale), anthropometric measurements, and self-reported dietary
energy intake among women previously treated for stage II-IV ovarian or primary peritoneal
VII. To assess and compare telomere length and rate of telomere shortening between ovarian
cancer survivors randomized to lifestyle intervention versus standard of care.
VIII. To assess effects of the intervention on biomarkers of metabolic health as measured by
changes in circulating insulin and related insulin resistance, lipids and inflammation.
IX. To determine if the intervention effect on the biomarkers listed above is modified by
baseline central adiposity.
X. To determine if the intervention effect on biomarkers listed above is mediated by change
in central adiposity.
XI. To evaluate changes in central adiposity using computerized tomography (CT) scan data
from regularly scheduled, routine surveillance CT scans to determine if change in CT-specific
visceral adiposity is associated with changes in biomarkers of metabolic deregulation and
inflammation in a random subsample.
OUTLINE: Participants are randomized to 1 of 2 groups.
GROUP 1 (LIFESTYLE INTERVENTION): Participants receive a dietary intervention designed to
promote increased levels of plasma carotenoids, control weight, and to ensure adequacy of
micronutrient intake. Participants also undergo a physical activity intervention comprising a
moderately low aerobic regimen to raise the usual activity level. Participants also undergo
face-to-face counseling, receive educational materials and counseling focused on how to read
food labels to estimate grams of fat per serving and serving size, and undergo telephone
counseling by a lifestyle intervention counselor twice a week for 4 weeks, then weekly for 2
weeks, twice a month for 5 months, monthly for the subsequent 6 months, and then once every
other month for 12 months. Participants complete daily fat gram and step diaries at least
three times per week.
GROUP 2 (COMPARISON LIFESTYLE): Participants receive a study notebook containing general
study-related information. Participants are not asked to record diet or physical activity but
are provided a single sample diary in their study notebook. Participants receive telephone
contact on a sliding scale similar to the intervention group, but at less frequent intervals
(22 versus 33 calls over the course of the intervention).
After completion of study, participants are followed up every 3 months for 2 years, every 6
months for 3 years, and then annually thereafter.
I. To determine if women who are disease-free after successfully completing primary and
potential consolidation/maintenance, therapy for stage II-IV ovarian, fallopian tube or
primary peritoneal cancer and who are randomized to a healthy lifestyle intervention, will
have significantly increased progression-free survival compared to similar women who are
randomized to a usual care comparison group.
I. To determine if women who are randomized to the study intervention will have improved
general quality of life as measured by the General Health subscale of Research and
Development (RAND) 36-Item Health Survey (RAND-36).
II. To determine if women who are randomized to the study intervention will have improved
physical and bowel functioning as measured by the Physical Functioning subscale of RAND-36
and the Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale (GSRS)-Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), compared
to women who are randomized to usual care.
I. To assess patient compliance with the healthy lifestyle intervention by analyzing
biomarkers (e.g., total carotenoid) at baseline, 6, 12, and 24 months.
II. To explore the relationship between carotenoid exposure and progression free survival
from ovarian cancer.
III. To examine patient compliance with the healthy lifestyle intervention and to assess
which types of patients are more likely to be compliant with the healthy lifestyle
intervention and whether progression-free survival is better among compliant individuals.
IV. To explore the impact of the intervention on other aspects of quality of life such as
pain, role limitations due to physical health and emotional problems, mental health,
vitality, and social functioning as measured by the corresponding subscales of the RAND-36.
V. To explore the impact of the intervention on bowel functioning as measured with the
GSRS-IBS subscales.
VI. To assess the association between subjectively measured sleep duration/quality (using the
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Scale), anthropometric measurements, and self-reported dietary
energy intake among women previously treated for stage II-IV ovarian or primary peritoneal
VII. To assess and compare telomere length and rate of telomere shortening between ovarian
cancer survivors randomized to lifestyle intervention versus standard of care.
VIII. To assess effects of the intervention on biomarkers of metabolic health as measured by
changes in circulating insulin and related insulin resistance, lipids and inflammation.
IX. To determine if the intervention effect on the biomarkers listed above is modified by
baseline central adiposity.
X. To determine if the intervention effect on biomarkers listed above is mediated by change
in central adiposity.
XI. To evaluate changes in central adiposity using computerized tomography (CT) scan data
from regularly scheduled, routine surveillance CT scans to determine if change in CT-specific
visceral adiposity is associated with changes in biomarkers of metabolic deregulation and
inflammation in a random subsample.
OUTLINE: Participants are randomized to 1 of 2 groups.
GROUP 1 (LIFESTYLE INTERVENTION): Participants receive a dietary intervention designed to
promote increased levels of plasma carotenoids, control weight, and to ensure adequacy of
micronutrient intake. Participants also undergo a physical activity intervention comprising a
moderately low aerobic regimen to raise the usual activity level. Participants also undergo
face-to-face counseling, receive educational materials and counseling focused on how to read
food labels to estimate grams of fat per serving and serving size, and undergo telephone
counseling by a lifestyle intervention counselor twice a week for 4 weeks, then weekly for 2
weeks, twice a month for 5 months, monthly for the subsequent 6 months, and then once every
other month for 12 months. Participants complete daily fat gram and step diaries at least
three times per week.
GROUP 2 (COMPARISON LIFESTYLE): Participants receive a study notebook containing general
study-related information. Participants are not asked to record diet or physical activity but
are provided a single sample diary in their study notebook. Participants receive telephone
contact on a sliding scale similar to the intervention group, but at less frequent intervals
(22 versus 33 calls over the course of the intervention).
After completion of study, participants are followed up every 3 months for 2 years, every 6
months for 3 years, and then annually thereafter.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Patients with a histological diagnosis of epithelial ovarian cancer, fallopian tube or
primary peritoneal carcinoma, clinical stage II, III or IV at diagnosis
- Patients with the following histologic epithelial cell types are eligible: serous
adenocarcinoma, endometrioid adenocarcinoma, mucinous adenocarcinoma, undifferentiated
carcinoma, clear cell adenocarcinoma, mixed epithelial carcinoma, transitional cell
carcinoma, malignant Brenner?s tumor or adenocarcinoma not otherwise specified
(N.O.S.); however, the histologic features of the tumor must be compatible with a
primary M?llerian epithelial adenocarcinoma
- Patients must have completed all primary chemotherapy and consolidation therapy (if
administered) at least 6 weeks, and no more than 6 months and 2 weeks, prior to
enrollment and must be in complete remission; consolidation therapy is defined as any
chemotherapy or biological therapy used for a patient who has completed at least four
courses of primary chemotherapy and had documented complete remission prior to
initiation of such chemotherapy (chemo) or biological therapy
- Patients must have achieved a documented complete response to treatment based on
normal cancer antigen (CA)-125 (per the institution?s upper limit of normal) and
computed tomography (CT) scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with contrast (i.e.
there must be no clinical evidence of persistent or recurrent disease based on CA-125
and CT scan or MRI with contrast)
- Patients must have a Gynecologic Oncology Group (GOG) performance grade of 0, 1, or 2
- Patients must not be currently enrolled in an ongoing (participating for 6 months or
longer) medically prescribed diet or physical activity regimen
- Patients must have no other chronic disease that would preclude randomization into a
lifestyle intervention trial; such diseases include recent myocardial infarction or
unstable angina (in the previous 6 months), chronic hepatitis, rheumatoid disease,
renal or hepatic disease/dysfunction and diabetics receiving insulin; or other
clinical condition limiting ability to walk (recent leg fracture, significant
osteoarthritis, related orthopedic conditions, degenerative neurological conditions,
- Patients must not have a serious psychiatric illness (e.g. lifetime bipolar disorder,
schizophrenia or other psychosis, serious personality disorder, severe major
depressive disorder or recent suicide or psychiatric hospitalization) (previous 12
months), or a history of an eating disorder (anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa)
- Patients must complete all pre-entry assessments
- Patients must have signed an approved informed consent and authorization permitting
release of personal health information
- Patients must be willing to provide name and appropriate telephone contact information
and be willing to be contacted periodically via telephone by The University of Arizona
Cancer Center (AZCC) staff for completion of individualized lifestyle intervention
coaching, completion of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, and for clarification of
patient-completed responses if necessary; patient must be willing to have Arizona Food
Frequency Questionnaire (AFFQ), Arizona Physical Activity Questionnaire (APAQ),
baseline questionnaire, and personal contact information sent to AZCC
Exclusion Criteria:
- Patients with GOG performance grade of 3 or 4
- Patients may not have a history of other invasive malignancies within the last five
years, with the exception of non-melanoma skin cancer or stage 1A endometrioid
adenocarcinoma of the uterus
- Patients diagnosed with chronic disease/illness precluding their participation (i.e.,
diabetics receiving insulin, myocardial infarction or unstable angina within previous
6 months, chronic hepatitis, rheumatoid disease, renal or hepatic disease/dysfunction)
- Patients with a histological diagnosis of clinical stage I epithelial ovarian cancer,
fallopian tube or primary peritoneal carcinoma
- Patients who are currently undergoing treatment (primary or consolidation) for stage
II, III or IV ovarian, fallopian tube or primary peritoneal cancer or who completed
treatment less than six weeks ago
- Patients with a life expectancy of less than one year
- Patients with body mass index (BMI) < 20 kg/m^2
- Vegan vegetarians
- Patients enrolled in a weight loss program or who are taking weight loss medications
or dietary supplements and are unwilling to discontinue
- Patients who have participated in a marathon, triathlon, or other endurance-related
physical activity within the previous 24 months
- Patients who have had surgery for weight loss
- Note: women will not be excluded if their baseline lifestyle assessment indicates
a healthy eating and moderate physical activity with the exception of the
exclusion criteria above
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Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106
Principal Investigator: Teresa L. Rutledge
Phone: 877-668-0683
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Allentown, Pennsylvania 18103
Principal Investigator: Philip J. Stella
Phone: 734-712-4673
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170 North 1100 East
American Fork, Utah 84003
American Fork, Utah 84003
Principal Investigator: Craig R. Nichols
Phone: 253-403-2394
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Anaconda, Montana 59711
Principal Investigator: Benjamin T. Marchello
Phone: 406-969-6060
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Anchorage, Alaska 99508
Principal Investigator: Benjamin B. Bridges
Phone: 907-212-6871
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Anchorage, Alaska 99508
Principal Investigator: Benjamin B. Bridges
Phone: 907-212-6871
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Anchorage, Alaska 99508
Principal Investigator: Benjamin B. Bridges
Phone: 907-212-6871
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Anchorage, Alaska 99508
Principal Investigator: Benjamin B. Bridges
Phone: 907-212-6871
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Anchorage, Alaska 99508
Principal Investigator: Benjamin B. Bridges
Phone: 907-212-6871
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Anchorage, Alaska 99508
Principal Investigator: Benjamin B. Bridges
Phone: 907-212-6871
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Anchorage, Alaska 98508
Principal Investigator: Benjamin B. Bridges
Phone: 907-212-6871
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1500 East Medical Center Drive
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Atlanta, Georgia 30309
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Atlanta, Georgia 30342
Atlanta, Georgia 30342
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Auburn, California 95602
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Auburn, California 95603
Principal Investigator: Stacy D. D'Andre
Phone: 415-209-2686
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Auburn, Washington 98001
Principal Investigator: John A. Keech
Phone: 907-458-5380
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Augusta, Georgia 30912
Principal Investigator: Sharad A. Ghamande
Phone: 706-721-1663
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Aurora, Colorado 80012
Principal Investigator: Keren Sturtz
Phone: 303-777-2663
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1501 S Potomac St
Aurora, Colorado 80012
Aurora, Colorado 80012
(303) 695-2600

Principal Investigator: Keren Sturtz
Phone: 888-785-6789
Medical Center of Aurora At The Medical Center of Aurora and Centennial Medical Plaza patients...
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13001 E. 17th Pl.
Aurora, Colorado 80045
Aurora, Colorado 80045

Principal Investigator: Saketh R. Guntupalli
Phone: 720-848-0650
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2000 Ogden Ave
Aurora, Illinois 60504
Aurora, Illinois 60504
(630) 978-6200

Principal Investigator: Maria T. Grosse-Perdekamp
Phone: 800-446-5532
Rush - Copley Medical Center Rush-Copley is proud to be the leading provider of health...
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Bainbridge Island, Washington 98110
Principal Investigator: John A. Keech
Phone: 907-458-5380
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3325 Pocahontas Road
Baker City, Oregon 97814
Baker City, Oregon 97814
Principal Investigator: J. R. Liu
Phone: 208-367-7954
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6701 N Charles St
Baltimore, Maryland 21204
Baltimore, Maryland 21204
(443) 849-2000

Principal Investigator: Paul Celano
Phone: 443-849-3706
Greater Baltimore Medical Center The 255-bed medical center (acute and sub-acute care) is located on...
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4305 New Shepherdsville Road
Bardstown, Kentucky 40004
Bardstown, Kentucky 40004
Principal Investigator: Mehmet S. Copur
Phone: 501-622-2100
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Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70815
Principal Investigator: M. G. Fort
Phone: 412-339-5294
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Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70806
Principal Investigator: William R. Robinson
Phone: 504-988-6121
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265 Fremont St
Battle Creek, Michigan 49017
Battle Creek, Michigan 49017
(269) 245-8166

Principal Investigator: Kathleen J. Yost
Phone: 616-391-1230
Bronson Battle Creek As a proud member of the Battle Creek community, we believe everyone...
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Bellevue, Washington 98004
Principal Investigator: John A. Keech
Phone: 907-458-5380
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Bellingham, Washington 98225
Principal Investigator: Benjamin B. Bridges
Phone: 907-212-6871
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800 Farson Street
Belpre, Ohio 45714
Belpre, Ohio 45714
(740) 401-0417

Principal Investigator: John P. Kuebler
Phone: 614-488-2745
Strecker Cancer Center-Belpre The Memorial Health System's Strecker Cancer Center, Belpre combines the clinical expertise...
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1300 Anne Street NW
Bemidji, Minnesota 56601
Bemidji, Minnesota 56601
(218) 751-5430

Principal Investigator: Maria C. Bell
Phone: 218-333-5000
Sanford Clinic North-Bemidgi Sanford Health is a voluntary, not-for-profit health care organization. Through its entities,...
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Bend, Oregon 97701
Principal Investigator: Benjamin B. Bridges
Phone: 907-212-6871
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Berkeley, California 94704
Principal Investigator: Stacy D. D'Andre
Phone: 415-209-2686
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8901 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, Maryland 20889
Bethesda, Maryland 20889
(301) 295-4000

Walter Reed National Military Medical Center The Walter Reed National Military Medical Center is one...
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Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18015
Principal Investigator: Nicholas P. Taylor
Phone: 412-339-5294
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Billings, Montana 59101
Principal Investigator: Benjamin T. Marchello
Phone: 406-969-6060
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1233 North 30th Street
Billings, Montana 59101
Billings, Montana 59101

Principal Investigator: Benjamin T. Marchello
Phone: 800-648-6274
Saint Vincent Healthcare The Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth, Kansas, founded St. Vincent Healthcare in...
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Billings, Montana 59101
Principal Investigator: Benjamin T. Marchello
Phone: 800-648-6274
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Birmingham, Alabama 35233
Principal Investigator: Warner K. Huh
Phone: 412-339-5294
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300 N. Seventh St.
Bismarck, North Dakota 58501
Bismarck, North Dakota 58501
(701) 323-6000

Principal Investigator: Maria C. Bell
Phone: 218-333-5000
Sanford Bismarck Medical Center Whether your stay in our hospital is one day for same...
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1505 Eastland Drive
Bloomington, Illinois 61701
Bloomington, Illinois 61701

Principal Investigator: James L. Wade
Phone: 309-243-3605
Illinois CancerCare-Bloomington Illinois CancerCare, P.C. is a comprehensive practice treating patients withcancer andblood diseases. Our...
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Bloomington, Illinois 61701
Principal Investigator: James L. Wade
Phone: 217-876-4740
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100 E Idaho St
Boise, Idaho 83712
Boise, Idaho 83712
(208) 381-2711

Principal Investigator: Benjamin B. Bridges
Phone: 907-212-6871
Saint Luke's Mountain States Tumor Institute For more than 100 years, St. Luke
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Boise, Idaho 83706
Principal Investigator: Philip J. Stella
Phone: 734-712-4673
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1501 North Oakland Drive
Bolivar, Missouri 65613
Bolivar, Missouri 65613

Central Care Cancer Center at Carrie J. Babb Cancer Center Cancer treatment often requires a...
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Bonne Terre, Missouri 63628
Principal Investigator: James L. Wade
Phone: 309-243-3605
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1100 Balsam Ave
Boulder, Colorado 80304
Boulder, Colorado 80304
(303) 440-2273

Principal Investigator: Keren Sturtz
Phone: 303-777-2663
Boulder Community Hospital Founded in 1922 as a community-owned and operated not-for-profit hospital, Boulder Community...
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Boulder, Colorado 80303
Principal Investigator: Keren Sturtz
Phone: 303-777-2663
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915 Highland Blvd
Bozeman, Montana 59715
Bozeman, Montana 59715
(406) 414-5000

Principal Investigator: Benjamin T. Marchello
Phone: 406-969-6060
Bozeman Deaconess Hospital Bozeman Deaconess Hospital is a Joint Commission certified, licensed Level III trauma...
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Bremerton, Washington 98310
Principal Investigator: Mehmet S. Copur
Phone: 501-622-2100
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Bridgeport, Connecticut 06606
Principal Investigator: Paul E. Berard
Phone: 412-339-5294
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7575 Grand River Avenue
Brighton, Michigan 48114
Brighton, Michigan 48114
Principal Investigator: J. R. Liu
Phone: 208-367-7954
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7575 Grand River Avenue
Brighton, Michigan 48114
Brighton, Michigan 48114
Principal Investigator: J. R. Liu
Phone: 208-367-7954
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Bryan, Texas 77802
Principal Investigator: Mehmet S. Copur
Phone: 501-622-2100
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Burbank, California
Principal Investigator: Benjamin B. Bridges
Phone: 907-212-6871
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Burien, Washington 98166
Principal Investigator: Mehmet S. Copur
Phone: 501-622-2100
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1501 Trousdale Drive
Burlingame, California 94010
Burlingame, California 94010
Principal Investigator: Stacy D. D'Andre
Phone: 415-209-2686
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Burlington, Massachusetts 01805
Principal Investigator: Corrine L. Zarwan
Phone: 781-744-8027
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Burlington, North Carolina 27216
Principal Investigator: Vinay K. Gudena
Phone: 336-832-0821
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Burlington, Vermont 05405
Principal Investigator: Cheung Wong
Phone: 802-656-8990
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Burlington, Wisconsin 53105
Principal Investigator: Elizabeth L. Dickson Michelson
Phone: 414-649-5717
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201 E Nicollet Blvd
Burnsville, Minnesota 55337
Burnsville, Minnesota 55337
(952) 892-2000

Principal Investigator: Joseph W. Leach
Phone: 412-339-5294
Fairview Ridges Hospital Fairview Ridges Hospital is a 150-bed, Level III Trauma Care facility, offering...
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400 South Clark Street
Butte, Montana 59701
Butte, Montana 59701

Principal Investigator: Benjamin T. Marchello
Phone: 800-648-6274
Saint James Community Hospital and Cancer Treatment Center St. James Healthcare has played an important...
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3123 Medical Dr
Caldwell, Idaho 83605
Caldwell, Idaho 83605
Principal Investigator: J. R. Liu
Phone: 208-367-7954
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Camden, New Jersey 08103
Principal Investigator: David P. Warshal
Phone: 856-325-6757
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Cameron Park, California 95682
Principal Investigator: Stacy D. D'Andre
Phone: 415-209-2686
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210 W Walnut St
Canton, Illinois 61520
Canton, Illinois 61520

Principal Investigator: James L. Wade
Phone: 309-243-3605
Illinois CancerCare - Canton Illinois CancerCare is one of the largest private oncology and hematology...
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1600 South Canton Center Road
Canton, Michigan 48188
Canton, Michigan 48188
Principal Investigator: J. R. Liu
Phone: 208-367-7954
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1600 South Canton Center Road
Canton, Michigan 48188
Canton, Michigan 48188
Principal Investigator: J. R. Liu
Phone: 208-367-7954
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2600 Sixth St. SW
Canton, Ohio 44710
Canton, Ohio 44710

Principal Investigator: Michael P. Hopkins
Phone: 330-363-6891
Aultman Health Foundation The Aultman Foundation will raise and administer funds in order to support...
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