Effect of Aromatase Inhibitor Therapy on Blood Vessel Function in Postmenopausal Women With Breast Cancer

Status:Active, not recruiting
Conditions:Breast Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:40 - 80
Start Date:June 2008
End Date:September 2020

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Effect of Aromatase Inhibitor Therapy for Breast Cancer on Endothelial Function

RATIONALE: Aromatase inhibitor therapy is used in treating postmenopausal women who have
hormone-dependent breast cancer. It is not yet known what effect aromatase inhibitor therapy
has on blood vessel function.

PURPOSE: This clinical trial is studying the effect of aromatase inhibitor therapy on blood
vessel function in postmenopausal women with breast cancer.


- Determine the effect of adjuvant aromatase inhibitor therapy on endothelial function in
postmenopausal women with breast cancer.

OUTLINE: This is a multicenter study. Patients are assigned to 1 of 2 treatment groups
according to breast cancer hormone-receptor status (positive vs negative).

- Group 1 (hormone receptor-positive): Patients receive aromatase inhibition therapy for
up to 6 months in the absence of unacceptable toxicity.

- Group 2 (hormone receptor-negative): Patients do not receive adjuvant treatment.

Endothelial function is measured in both groups at baseline and at follow up by the room
temperature peripheral arterial tonometry (RT-PAT) index using the EndoPAT method.


- Diagnosis of breast cancer

- Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) allowed provided the patient will not receive
tamoxifen as part of treatment for their cancer

- May not have had a prior mastectomy with requirement for mastectomy of the
contralateral breast

- No requirement for axillary lymph node dissection with a history of contralateral
mastectomy and/or contralateral axillary lymph node dissection

- Hormone receptor status meeting 1 of the following criteria:

- Hormone receptor negative and not eligible for aromatase inhibitor therapy (AI)

- Hormone receptor positive and are not receiving an AI


- Postmenopausal

- No known or symptomatic coronary artery disease

- No significant co-morbidities, including any of the following conditions:

- Active renal or hepatic disease

- Known uncontrolled and/or untreated peripheral arterial disease

- Uncontrolled and/or untreated hypertension

- Uncontrolled and/or untreated diabetes

- Uncontrolled and/or untreated hyperlipidemia


- See Disease Characteristics

- More than 7 days since prior hormone replacement therapy or hormone-based

- More than 12 months since prior and no concurrent tamoxifen or aromatase inhibitor
therapy for this disease

- More than 12 months since prior and no concurrent chemotherapy for this disease

- No prior bilateral mastectomy
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