Tears Substitutions and Their Effects on Higher Order Aberrometery

Therapuetic Areas:Ophthalmology
Age Range:18 - 85
Start Date:January 2009
End Date:July 2009
Contact:Gina M Rogers, MD
Phone:773 580 0339

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Hypothesis is that tear substitutions cause blur after they are instilled. The investigators
will use aberrometry as a measurement over time after a tear formulation is used and try to
determine if there are any measurable change in higher order aberrations between different
tear formulations and how long it takes to return to pre-instillation measurements thus
providing information on duration of the tear drop. 4 commercially available "dry eye"
artificial tears formulations will be used and preservative saline will act as a control.
The study will be conducted on subjects that do not have clinical evidence of dry eye
syndrome to focus the data on the blur effects of the tear substitutions.

Once consent is obtained the subject will choose from available time slots. Each subject
will come to the UIHC Department of Ophthalmology at designated times for approximately one
hour on five different days, for a total time commitment of approximately 5 hours. Each
subject will receive the same 4 artificial tear substitutes and saline, one different drop
each day. One of the four tear substitutes (brands: Systane, Systane Ultra, Optive, and
Refresh) will be tested on each of the days. One drop will be used each day and the protocol
of each day will be the same, the only factor changing from day to day is the drop that is
being evaluated. On each study day, the subject will have a pre-instillation measurement of
their higher order aberrometry of each eye. One drop of the designated drop will be placed
into each of the eyes. Subsequent aberrometry measurements of each eye will be taken at
immediately post-instillation, 5 minutes, 30 minutes and 60 minutes post instillation. The
same protocol will be followed with a saline drop and thus each patient will act as a

There is no long-term follow-up.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Subjects that do not have any complaints of dry eye and confirmed by ocular surface
disease index questionnaire.

- Visually correctable to 20/20 in each eye.

- Non contact lens wearer.

- No history of systemic disease associated with dry eye syndromes.

- No current use of ocular medications.

- Adult volunteers who agree to HIPAA standards and sign informed consent.

Exclusion Criteria

- Patients that have dry eye symptoms or slitlamp findings consistent with dry eye.

- Have a systemic condition that is associated with dry eye syndromes.

- Take systemic medications that have dry as a side effect

- Currently use artificial tears.

- Currently are using ocular medications.

- Currently wear contact lenses.

- Enrollment of the investigator's office staff, relatives, or members of their
respective households.

- Enrollment of more than one member of the same household.
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