Physical Activity in Public Housing - II

Status:Active, not recruiting
Conditions:Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:12 - Any
Start Date:January 2009
End Date:December 2020

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Perceptions of School, Recreation, and Transportation Environments Among African American Families in Public Housing--II

The aims of the proposed study are to:

1. Examine how youth and their parents use and perceive three active living domains for
physical activity (PA): schools, recreation, and transportation environment;

2. Identify patterns and predictors of environmental perceptions of physical activity;

3. Compare and contrast youth evaluations of physical activity resources with research team
objective evaluations of physical activity resources;

4. Using above data, refine the conceptual framework of physical activity phenomena in
low-income minority communities guiding this research and develop items for a
quantitative survey measuring parental and youth environmental perceptions of physical
activity for a future trial with this population.

Cognitive Interview:

If you agree to take part in this study, you will have an interview to discuss the questions
asked in the a physical activity survey. You will read the survey and be asked about what you
thought when you read certain questions and how well you understood the questions.

The interview will be recorded with a tape recorder and the results will be written down.
Your name will not be used during the interview and will not be recorded. You will only be
identified by a number given to you by the study staff. After the interview comments are
written down, the interview tape will be destroyed. The transcript will be stored in a safe
locked compartment for 3 years, then it will be destroyed.

Length of Study:

You will be off study after the interview.


Up to 8 children and 4 parents will take part in this study. All will be enrolled at M. D.

Physical Activity in Public Housing II -- Parent:

If you agree to take part in this study, you will take part in an interview with a member of
the study staff at your housing development site. During the interview, you will be asked if
living in public housing has any effect on your options for physical activity and how you
feel about your neighborhood. The interview will take about 45 minutes to complete.

The interview will be recorded with a tape recorder and the results will be written down.
Your name will not be used during the interview and will not be recorded. You will only be
identified by a number given to you by the study staff. After the interview comments are
written down, the interview tape will be destroyed. The transcript will be stored in a safe
locked compartment for 3 years, then it will be destroyed.

At the time of the interview, you will also be given a survey that will have questions about
how you feel about your neighborhood, access to recreational facilities, physical activity,
how the people around you feel about exercise, and sociodemographic information (such as age
and sex). The survey will take about 20 minutes to complete.

Photovoice Project:

You may be randomly selected (as in the flip of a coin) to receive a letter asking you to
participate in the Photovoice project. The Photovoice project is an activity that will allow
you to express your thoughts and feelings about your neighborhood through pictures that you
and your child will take of your neighborhood. You and your child will take pictures of your
neighborhood with a camera provided to you by the study staff. The pictures will be developed
by the study staff and they will bring them back to your house. You and your child will then
participate in an interview to talk about the photographs you took. This interview will take
about 20 minutes.

Length of Study:

If you are selected and choose to take part in the Photovoice project, you will be off study
after the Photovoice interview. If you do not chose to take part in the Photovoice project,
you will be off study after the survey.


Up to 36 adult parents will take part in an individual interview. In total 36 parents and 36
youth will take part in this study for a total of 72 participants. All will be enrolled at M.
D. Anderson.

Physical Activity in Public Housing II -- Youth:

If you agree to take part in this study, you will take part in a focus group. A focus group
is a group of people who are asked questions about certain topics and then discuss these
topics with other group members. During the focus group, you will talk about how living in
public housing effects your physical activity and how you feel about your neighborhood. There
will be 6 focus groups, each made up of 6 participants. The focus group session will take
about 45 minutes.

The focus group session will be recorded with a tape recorder and the results will be written
down. Your name will not be used during the interview and will not be recorded. You will only
be identified by a number given to you by the study staff. After the interview comments are
written down, the interview tape will be destroyed. The transcript will be stored in a safe
locked compartment for 3 years, then it will be destroyed.

At the time of the focus group session, you will also be given a survey that will have
questions about how you feel about your neighborhood, access to recreational facilities,
physical activity, and how the people around you feel about exercise. The survey will take
about 15 minutes to complete.

Photovoice Project:

You may be randomly selected (as in the flip of a coin) to receive a letter asking you to
participate in the Photovoice project. The Photovoice project is an activity that will allow
you to express your thoughts and feelings about your neighborhood through pictures that you
and your parent will take of your neighborhood. You and your parent will take pictures of
your neighborhood with a camera provided to you by the study staff. The pictures will be
developed by the study staff and they will bring them back to your house. You and your parent
will then participate in an interview to talk about the photographs you took. This interview
will take about 20 minutes.

Length of Study:

If you are selected and choose to take part in the Photovoice project, you will be off study
after the Photovoice interview. If you do not chose to take part in the Photovoice project,
you will be off study after the survey.


Up to 36 youth will take part in a focus group. In total 36 parents and 36 youth will take
part in this study for a total of 72 participants. All will be enrolled at M. D. Anderson.

Inclusion Criteria:

1. Being able to read and speak English

2. Self-identify as African American or black

3. Youth between the ages of 12-15 years old

4. Adults must be the biological parent or legal guardian of the participating child

5. Youth and parents must live in the housing development at least 50% of the time

6. Adults must have a child who also is participating in the study

7. Children must have a parent or legal guardian who also is participating in the study

Exclusion Criteria:

1) None
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