Brain Effects of Escitalopram and Citalopram Using fMRI

Therapuetic Areas:Psychiatry / Psychology
Age Range:Any
Start Date:May 2007
End Date:May 2011

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A Comparison of the CNS Effects of Equivalent Doses of Escitalopram and Racemic Citalopram Using BOLD fMRI

Escitalopram (Lexapro) and citalopram (Celexa) are similar selective serotonin reuptake
inhibitors that alter blood flow to the amygdala and other brain structures involved in
regulating mood. Escitalopram consists of S-citalopram while citalopram contains both
S-citalopram and R-citalopram (racemic citalopram). There is evidence that R-citalopram may
block the effects of S-citalopram. The hypothesis being tested is that because of the
antagonist effect of R-citalopram, S-citalopram will have a greater effect on the mood
circuit than racemic citalopram when equal doses of S-citalopram are administered. The study
design consists of a two week medication period followed by blood oxygen level dependent
(BOLD) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) while viewing affective visual stimuli.

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