Attitudes About Childbearing And Fertility With Inherited Breast And Ovarian Cancer Syndromes (HBOC)

Conditions:Breast Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Cancer, Women's Studies
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology, Reproductive
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:February 2009
End Date:August 2016

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Attitudes About Childbearing And Fertility In Women Seeking Genetic Testing For Inherited Breast And Ovarian Cancer Syndromes (HBOC)


- To evaluate the attitudes and opinions of women undergoing genetic counseling for
hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome, both before and after testing, in regards to
pregnancy and fertility


-Factors that will increase the percentage of women endorsing prenatal diagnostic testing
will include a personal history of breast or ovarian cancer, having had a mother or sister
die of breast or ovarian cancer, and testing positive for a BRCA mutation.

This questionnaire is part of a study at The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer
Center. The purpose is to ask women who are seeking genetic testing for HBOC their
viewpoints surrounding fertility, childbearing and parenting, both at the time of testing
and at the time of results disclosure. The aim is to evaluate if the genetics results
disclosure may influence women's views regarding these topics. Researchers hope to use this
information to provide more information to the patient and the caregiver to help both
parties with this very important cancer survivorship issue.

Inclusion Criteria:

1. Women who have been referred to the Clinical Cancer Genetics Program for discussion
of Hereditary Breast And Ovarian Syndrome (HBOC).

2. Participants must be seen by clinical cancer geneticist and undergo genetic
counseling here at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center for HBOC.

3. Participants may or may not have a personal diagnosis of cancer.

4. Participants may have already seen or undergone reproductive endocrine evaluation and
had any reproductive treatment.

5. The participant must be a woman and have reproductive potential which would include
either active menstruation, blood tests with premenopausal ranges of Luteinizing
Hormone (LH), Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and estradiol, or was premenopausal
prior to starting chemotherapy for a diagnosed breast cancer.

6. Age >/= 18 years old

7. The patient must be able to speak and read fluently in either English or in Spanish
in order to complete the questionnaire.

Exclusion Criteria:

1) None
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