The Effects of Adding a Home Exercise Program to a Clinical Physical Therapy Program on Cancer-Related Fatigue

Conditions:Other Indications
Therapuetic Areas:Other
Age Range:Any
Start Date:February 2009
End Date:February 2013

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The Effects of Adding a Home Exercise Program (HEP) to a Clinical Physical Therapy Program (CPTP) on the Cancer-Related Fatigue Reported by Patients Undergoing Concurrent Radiation and Chemotherapy for High-Grade Glioma (HGG)

The purpose of this study is to find out if adding a home exercise program to a clinic
physical therapy program will improve the fatigue experienced by patients being treated with
concurrent chemotherapy and radiation therapy for high grade gliomas.

Cancer-related fatigue is a common and disabling symptom in patients undergoing outpatient
therapies to treat their cancers. Despite a consistent increase in both awareness and
research, cancer-related fatigue remains poorly understood and poorly treated by the
worldwide medical community.

The physical and emotional impact of cancer-related fatigue on Activities of Daily Living
and Independent Activities of Daily Living can be profound. Simple tasks such as preparing
meals and performing household chores become laborious. Walking up and down the aisles of
grocery stores may send a patient directly to bed for the rest of the day upon returning
home. In addition, if cancer-related fatigue contributes to prolonged bed rest, the
secondary development of other medical problems can further impact quality of life and
possibly length of life. Furthermore, the economic impact of cancer-related fatigue includes
patients taking more days off work and reducing the number of hours they are able to work.
Lastly, cancer-related fatigue often impacts the psychosocial well-being and family dynamics
of patients, caregivers and their families.

Exercise is the strongest non-pharmacological intervention for management of cancer-related
fatigue. Certain exercises have specifically demonstrated reduction in fatigue. An exercise
program that incorporates strengthening and aerobic conditioning can decrease fatigue
scores. Improvements in patient-reported cancer-related fatigue through the use of exercise
has been demonstrated in various diseases, such as anemia, and several cancer types, most
notably breast cancer. Furthermore, home exercise programs have shown meaningful
improvements in patient reported fatigue.

This study will determine the effect that the addition of a 6-week Physical
Therapist-directed home exercise program has on the pattern, severity, and quality of life
of patient reported fatigue.

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