Heading Off Peripheral Neuropathy With Exercise

Conditions:Breast Cancer, Cancer, Neurology
Therapuetic Areas:Neurology, Oncology
Age Range:19 - Any
Start Date:April 2009
End Date:December 2011

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Pilot Randomized Study of Aerobic and Resistance Exercise for Women Undergoing Treatment for Breast Cancer With Taxanes.

Chemotherapy for the treatment of breast cancer can affect nerves and muscles leading to loss
of sensation in the hands and feet for feeling hot and cold, difficulty walking, and muscle
weakness. This study will explore if exercises such as walking and strength training may
prove helpful in preventing or lessening chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy from
chemotherapy, making the therapy easier to tolerate and increasing overall quality of life.

This pilot study will test the effects of a tailored home-based walking (aerobic) and
strength training (resistance) exercise program for individuals receiving taxane-based
chemotherapy for breast cancer on neuropathy, breast cancer-related symptoms, cold thermal
sensation, vibratory sensation, gait & balance, upper and lower extremity muscle strength,
and quality of life.

The objective of this pilot study is to determine the effect size, feasibility and
acceptability of a 12-week combination exercise program consisting of aerobic exercise
(walking) and strength training for preventing or ameliorating the clinical manifestations
and symptoms of CIPN in individuals with Stage I-IIIa non-metastatic breast cancer.

Inclusion Criteria:

- age 19 or older with newly diagnosed Stage I-IIIa invasive breast cancer who are to be
treated with a taxane-based chemotherapy regimen (with paclitaxel or docetaxel) and
thus are at risk for the development of CIPN.

Exclusion Criteria:

- any disease (e.g. diabetes, HIV) that results in peripheral neuropathy;

- any disease or disorder that results in muscle weakness (such as chronic fatigue
syndrome, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord tumors or injuries, stroke, preexisting
cardiopulmonary disease);

- any disease or disorder that would preclude strength training exercises (such as bone
metastasis, osteoporosis);

- individuals with diagnosed lymphedema or advanced disease (> Stage IIIa, or metastatic
disease) at high risk for bone metastases and pathologic fracture will be excluded.
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