BTC Neuropsychological Database

Conditions:Brain Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:Any
Start Date:April 2009
End Date:April 2014

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BTC Neuropsychological Database:Prospective Study

1. Purpose and Objective:

The purpose of this study is to collect data both retrospectively and prospectively, by
consent, on subjects seen in the PRTBTC. This information will be useful to the
investigators to generate hypotheses for planning further psychosocial and medication
intervention studies that will hopefully improve primary brain tumor patients' QOL.

2. Study Activities and Population Group:

Retrospective dates will be 3/1/06 through the approval date for the prospective
component of this study. The data will be neurocognitive, depression, tumor-related,
overall quality of life (QOL), treatment, and demographic variables. The investigators
research aims are to

- compute correlations among these different variables

- to test significant predictors of QOL. The investigators also will conduct a
retrospective review of all brain tumor patients evaluated at the neuropsychology
clinic at the PRT-BTC from the date that this prospective study is approved back
to 3/20/2006.

3. Data Analysis and Risk/Safety Issues:

The medical record review does not present any obvious source of risk or discomfort to
patients and their families. For both the retrospective and prospective components of the
study, as the data for the proposed study were already collected as a part of the standard
of care at the Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center at Duke, there are no additional
risks to the study sample as a result of data collection.

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