The Effectiveness of Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Diabetes Treatment for Infants and Young Children

Therapuetic Areas:Endocrinology
Age Range:Any - 3
Start Date:November 2008
End Date:November 2014
Contact:Patricia Fechner, M.D.

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Gerber Pump Trial: Effectiveness of Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion (CSII) and Real-Time Sensor Augmentation (RTSA) in 0-3 Years Old Diabetes Patients; A One Year Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial.

The purpose of this study is to see if the use of a real-time glucose sensor improves
diabetes control in young children (less than 4 years old) with Type I diabetes when they
are initiated on insulin pump therapy.

A randomized controlled clinical trial involving patients 0-3 yrs old with type 1 diabetes.
After successful screening the subjects will be randomized into one of two groups: a CSII
group alone and a CSII group + Real Time Sensor Augmentation group (RTSA) group. The CSII
group will serve as the control for the CSII+RTSA group. The trial will last for one year.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Children less than 4 years of age with Type I diabetes for at least 3 months

Exclusion Criteria:

- Children greater than 4 years of age

- Monogenic diabetes
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