Biotin Status in Pregnancy

Therapuetic Areas:Pharmacology / Toxicology
Age Range:Any
Start Date:August 2009
End Date:August 2014
Contact:Marie L Tippett

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The purpose of this study is to estimate the number of pregnant women who, during pregnancy,
have low levels of the vitamin biotin. The hypothesis of this study is that a large number
of pregnant women will have low biotin levels. This information will be used to later
determine if low biotin levels during pregnancy cause certain birth defects.

Inclusion Criteria:

- age 18-40

- in early pregnancy (less than 15 weeks gestation)

- under care of physician

- normal pregnancy

- taking prenatal vitamin with less than 30 mcg biotin

Exclusion Criteria:

- prenatal vitamin with greater than 30 mcg biotin

- antibiotic use

- known renal disease

- drug, alcohol abuse

- gastric bypass

- daily diet high in biotin

- use of certain meal replacement products high in biotin

- previous history of children with birth defects
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