The HEALS Project - Health Education and Active Living for Surviving Seniors

Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:55 - 90
Start Date:December 2009
End Date:November 2011

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Biobehavioral Effects of Tai Chi Chih Among Elderly Female Cancer Survivors

Persons over age 65 years constitute a large and growing population of cancer survivors.
Available data indicate that both short- and long-term female breast cancer survivors report
more limitations related to strength and mobility than women with cancers of other sites and
women without a personal history of cancer. Further, better mental health among breast
cancer survivors has been shown to protect against physical decline and overall quality of
life. The combination of mental and physical interventions may result in substantial
improvements in quality of life. Tai Chi Chih (TCC), a form of mind-body exercise, is one
such intervention. TCC may be particularly suited toward elderly breast cancer survivors
with impaired physical and/or mental functioning, yet despite its increasing popularity and
benefits in healthy and diseased populations, its benefits have never been scientifically
evaluated in this population. The overarching goal of this study is to conduct preparatory
work regarding the effects of TCC on quality of life and physical function that will
underpin future definitive trials of TCC in elderly cancer survivors. As part of this
12-week trial, participants will be randomized to a TCC or a health education control group
(HEC). Establishment of meaningful interventions that facilitate a more positive cancer
survival experience in old age is an important issue; there are substantial public health
and clinical benefits should a TC intervention be successful in this patient population.

Inclusion Criteria:

1. Age >/= 55 years and it has been three months or more (with the exception of hormone
therapy) since completing treatment for breast or other solid tumor cancers
(excluding lung, liver, pancreas and brain) and currently in remission.

2. Living within 30 miles of Huntsman Cancer Institute and has access to transportation
and is willing to travel to the study site per study protocol; Travels independently
on public transportation or drives own car.

3. Able to speak and read English fluently, and understand informed consent.

4. Willing to: sign a medical record release form; to be randomized and willing to
participate in classes and all baseline and follow-up appointments.

5. Has some physical limitation as defined by a score of <72 in the Role Physical or <80
in the Physical Functioning sub-scales in the SF-12 screening questionnaire.

6. Does not currently practice in a regular on-going meditative or relaxation technique.

7. Does not currently engage in a regular, strenuous-intensity form of exercise for 30
min or more per day, 3 or more days per week.

Exclusion Criteria:

1. Engaged in focused intense physical activity for 30 minutes or more a day for 3 or
more days a week for the previous 6 months as per responses on the screening
telephone call.

2. Regular on-going practice with TC or other similar types of Complementary and
Alternative Medicine in the past 6 months such as Qigong, meditation, relaxation, and
yoga since these share some of the principles of TC.

3. Inability to pass the Folstein Mini Mental Status Exam (score <23).

4. Unable to drive or secure transportation to complete all aspects of the study.

5. Health conditions (e.g. severe hearing loss, respiratory, cardiovascular, or
neurological problems) that might interfere with the required intervention.
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