Personalized Antidepressant Adherence Strategies For Depressed Elders

Therapuetic Areas:Psychiatry / Psychology
Age Range:65 - Any
Start Date:January 2011
End Date:June 2016

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Treatment Initiation and Participation Program (TIP)

The study is a randomized controlled trial to test the usefulness of a brief intervention to
improve adherence to antidepressant medication prescribed to older adults in a primary care
setting. Study will be conducted at Weill Cornell and University of Michigan.

The intervention is a brief, psychosocial intervention designed to be an adjunct to
pharmacotherapy prescribed by a primary care physician. It includes psychoeducation, problem
solving and development of goals and a personalized adherence strategy. The intervention
includes three 30 minute sessions during the first 6 weeks of treatment and a follow-up
phone call two weeks later.

Inclusion Criteria:

Age: 65 and older; Newly prescribed antidepressant medication by PCP (within past 10
days); Has not been prescribed antidepressant medication in previous 6 months.

Exclusion Criteria:

High suicide risk, i.e. intent or plan to attempt suicide Presence of alcohol abuse,
substance abuse, psychotic disorder or, bipolar disorder as observed on the SCID, are
excluded; Dementia: MMSE below 24, clinical assessment, or medication; Inability to speak
English; Aphasia interfering with communication; Terminal illness or current chemotherapy
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