Androgenetic Alopecia in Fabry Disease

Conditions:Hematology, Dermatology, Metabolic
Therapuetic Areas:Dermatology / Plastic Surgery, Hematology, Pharmacology / Toxicology
Age Range:18 - 64
Start Date:December 2010
End Date:October 2015

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The purpose of this study is to assess whether patients with the classic form of Fabry
disease have significantly less androgenic alopecia (male pattern baldness).

Objectives: To test the hypothesis that adult males with classic form of Fabry disease have
a significantly lower incidence of androgenic alopecia than matched controls.

Study Population: 120 patients aged 20-64 with Fabry disease that have GLA mutations or
alpha-galactosidase A activity associated with no residual enzyme activity and non-Fabry
male controls of the same age range and the same number of non-Fabry controls.

Design: This is a cross-sectional study comparing the prevalence of androgenic alopecia in
two groups of subjects.

Outcome Measures: The levels of the outcome will be no androgenic alopecia and frontal only
androgenetic alopecia opposed to vertex only and frontal and vertex androgenetic alopecia.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Male patients with Fabry disease age 20-64 years old.

- Healthy male controls age 20-64 years old

- GLA gene mutations associated with the classic form of Fabry disease or having
alpha-galactosidase A activity that is essentially zero

- Patients who freely agree to participate in this study and understand the nature,
risks and benefits of this study and give their written informed consent.
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