Breast Health in Chinese American Women

Status:Active, not recruiting
Conditions:Breast Cancer, Cancer
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:42 - Any
Start Date:July 2010
End Date:May 2016

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A RCT to Promote Mammography Adherence Among Chinese Immigrant Women

This four-and-a-half-year study will test the efficacy of viewing a theoretically based and
culturally sensitive video followed by group discussion (vs. single viewing) in increasing
mammography use. The results of this study will lead cancer control efforts to effectively
decrease breast cancer screening disparities experienced by Chinese-America women.

We will conduct a 4.5-year community-based RCT to study the impact of intervention
approaches (small-group video discussion vs. single video mode) on mammography used among
Chinese immigrant women. The small-group video discussion will be led by trained Chinese
community health educators and trained bilingual research staff using a standardized
structured protocol at all sites. In the single video mode, we will mail the intervention
materials to women to view and/or read at home. We will recruit 974 Chinese women through
our strong and well-established Chinese community partnerships in the metropolitan areas of
Washington, DC (Lead PI: Dr. Judy Wang, Georgetown University-GU), New York (Site PI: Dr.
Grace Ma at Temple University), and southern California (Site PI: Dr. Annette Maxwell,
University of California, Los Angeles-UCLA). Participants' eligibility are listed under
"eligibility criteria". We will not enroll US-born Chinese women as they are least likely to
face cultural and language barriers to mammography and less likely to engage in our
small-group discussion, which will be conducted in Chinese languages. Also, we will not
enroll short-term visitors as our study involves four interviews over a 2-year period.

Inclusion Criteria:

1. First generation Chinese women

2. Aged 42 and older

3. Have not had a mammogram in the past 2 years

4. Have never had breast cancer

5. Lived in the metropolitan DC, southern CA, and NY suburb; AND

6. Have no mammography screening scheduled in the next 6 month from time of enrollment

Exclusion Criteria:

1. Short-term visitors

2. US-born Chinese Americans
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