Bevacizumab and BKM-120 in Patients With Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma

Status:Active, not recruiting
Therapuetic Areas:Oncology
Age Range:18 - Any
Start Date:September 2011
End Date:December 2016

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A Phase I Study of Bevacizumab and Escalation Doses of BKM-120 in Patients With Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma Who Failed Prior Systemic Therapies

BKM-120 is a drug that may slow the growth of cancer cells. This drug has been used in
laboratory experiments and information from those research studies suggests that this drug
may help to slow the growth of renal cancer cells. In this research study, the investigators
are testing the safety to BKM-120 at different dose levels. The investigators will also be
studying how well tolerated BKM-120 is, and how effective BKM-120 can be in the treatment of
kidney cancer.

Subjects will receive an intravenous infusion of Avastin on Day 1 and Day 15 of each month
(cycle). Subjects will take a daily oral dose of BKM-120 at the dose level assigned.

Subjects will have a clinic visit weekly during Cycle 1 and then on Day 1 and Day 15 of each
cycle for blood tests and physical exam.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Metastatic RCC with clear cell component or papillary RCC

- Life expectancy > 12 weeks

- Must have failed at least 1 prior anti-VEGF systemic therapy for metastatic RCC

Exclusion Criteria:

- Prior treatment with a P13K inhibitor or bevacizumab

- Untreated brain metastases

- Acute or chronic liver or pancreatic disease

- Major mood disorder

- Concurrent severe and/or uncontrolled medical condition

- Diabetes mellitus

- GI disease

- Currently taking therapeutic doses of warfarin sodium or any other
coumadin-derivative anticoagulant

- Pregnant or breastfeeding

- HIV positive

- History of another malignancy within 3 years except cured basal cell carcinoma of the
skin or excised in situ carcinoma of the cervix

- Uncontrolled hypertension
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