Title: Comparative Effectiveness of Asthma Interventions Within an AHRQ PBRN

Therapuetic Areas:Pulmonary / Respiratory Diseases
Age Range:Any
Start Date:March 2011
End Date:August 2017

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Accelerating Implementation of Comparative Effectiveness Findings on Clinical and Delivery Systems by Leveraging AHRQ Networks

The overall goal is to identify best practices for improving health outcomes for patients
with asthma using comparative effectiveness research within an Agency for Healthcare Research
and Quality (AHRQ) Practice-Based Research Network (PBRN). This goal will be achieved by
completing the following aims: (1) Create a centralized database for comparative
effectiveness research on asthma by combining clinical and billing data from one of the
largest healthcare systems in the country (Carolinas Healthcare System) with data from the
school system, Medicaid, and patient and community-level datasets; (2) Deploy a fully
developed integrated approach to asthma management based on the Chronic Care Model; (3)
Develop and implement a "shared decision making" approach for asthmatic patients from
disadvantaged backgrounds; (4) Implement an electronic data collection system for an existing
CDC funded school-based asthma intervention that will allow program evaluation and link
school nurses with providers; (5) Evaluate and compare the effectiveness of these three
asthma management strategies on: overall healthcare consumption and medical costs; quality of
life, school absenteeism and performance; asthma clinical measures; and medication
utilization; and (6) Disseminate findings across the state via the statewide PBRN and other
network partners. This project has the potential to impact over 30,000 asthma patients across
the Carolinas including many patients from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Inclusion Criteria:

all with asthma diagnosis

Exclusion Criteria:
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