Clinical Evaluation of Lava Digital Veneer System (DVS) Crowns

Therapuetic Areas:Dental / Maxillofacial Surgery
Age Range:19 - Any
Start Date:November 2010
End Date:March 2014

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Study aim is to compare Lava Computer Aided Design / Computer Aided Milling Computer Aided
Machining (CAD/CAM)crowns that are veneered (covered) with porcelain that has been milled
using CAD/CAM, with similar CAD/CAM Lava crowns that have been veneered with a hand
fabricated porcelain covering.

Veneers will be randomly allocated to study crowns. Study crowns will be evaluated over three
years. The test porcelain veneer is CAD/CAM milled as a veneer shell that is then fused to
the CAD/CAM milled Lava crown to make the final crown to be cemented in the patient's mouth.
This may be a more predictable technique in the fabrication of Lava crowns than current
conventional methods.

Inclusion Criteria:

- Over 18 years of age.

- Have at least one decayed back tooth in need of a crown

- Study tooth to be an upper or lower premolar or molar tooth/ teeth

- Study tooth to be vital and asymptomatic at start of study

Exclusion Criteria:

- Teeth which are non vital, have had root canal treatment

- Teeth which are pulp capped

- Sensitive teeth

- Significant untreated dental disease including periodontitis and rampant decay

- Pregnant or lactating women

- Patients with allergies to any of the materials to be used in the study

- Unable to attend the recall appointments
We found this trial at
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109
Ann Arbor, MI
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